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Macedonia is Greece

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Re: Macedonia is Greece

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:18 am

miltiades wrote:What childish utter rubbish. So the UAE hads a .....better governing system than the west. Public stoning, flogging, plenty of ....freedom of speech, equal rights for
all!! Mate you are fucking nuts.

They do not have public stoning, or floggings in the UAE.

They haven’t even executed anyone in decades. And the people have their human rights. (Correction: they executed 1 person in 2015 and 1 person in 2016. That was the last execution till this day).

There is also freedom of speech in the most part.

It also has a better health system, education system and social security system than most countries.

Yes, UAE is better than the UK.

They also have very low crime.
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Re: Macedonia is Greece

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:20 am

You are barking mad. Your logic is that of a child.
"Flogging and stoning are legal forms of judicial punishment in the UAE due to Sharia courts.[8] The government restricts freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and the local media is censored to avoid criticizing the government, government officials or royal families. Freedom of association and freedom of religion are also curtailed."

Only a child would share your views or a ...psychopath!!!!
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Re: Macedonia is Greece

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:31 am

miltiades wrote:You are barking mad. Your logic is that of a child.
"Flogging and stoning are legal forms of judicial punishment in the UAE due to Sharia courts.[8] The government restricts freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and the local media is censored to avoid criticizing the government, government officials or royal families. Freedom of association and freedom of religion are also curtailed."

Only a child would share your views or a ...psychopath!!!!

Legal forms of punishment under Sharia yes. But it isn’t practiced in the UAE. As I told you before, they have had 2 executions in 4 years. The Royals are even trying to abolish it altogether which places them well ahead of the USA. So you better get your facts right when talking about Human Rights.

Look, I have spent a lot of time in the UAE. 18 months all up, and nowhere have I seen or heard of any floggings or stonings.

The Royal Family have everything under tight control and UAE is an amazing country. There Government is absolutely brilliant. The country is brilliant, and the people are brilliant too.

Human Rights there are fine. No one feels at all uncomfortable and you have freedom of speech and a free press too. There are only a few things to be careful about. For example, sharing a room in a hotel with another male might not be advisable, or even sharing a room with a woman if not married. Also, you need to dress conservatively.

Yes criticizing the country or any member of the Royal Family isn’t allowed. You are likely to get into trouble. It is a dictatorship. The Royals will not take any shit. Being a Malaka is strictly forbidden and against the law. But at the same time, I couldn’t find anyone, not even a Westerner, who was unhappy with their Government. On the contrary, most people could only marvel at their country and the way the country was run for the people. Free education and jobs in the Public Sector for all their citizens. Plus land and free health.

Other than that, the UAE is like any other European country in practice.

At the end of the day, casting a ballot does you no good when you don’t have a job or can support your family. Which is why there is a backlash against the established so called democratic elites and we have the BREXIT and Trump phenomena. People don’t want to be treated like fools.

Greece has been fucked around for a long time by its own politicians. Hence why you will see Golden Dawn and ELAM get stronger and stronger. I don’t advocate either. Probably both would end up being a disaster. And I don’t fancy Nazism either. But a Junta I could be happy with. Depends on how strict they are because there are Dictators with a capital D (Pootin, Ayatollah, Assad, and Erdogan) and there are dictators with a little d (king of Jordan, or UAE).

And only an idiot would be so clueles. Malaka!
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Re: Macedonia is Greece

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:50 am

As I said earlier, and many times is the past, you are an immature guy without even a minute amount of logic, as evidenced by your views on the Syrian conflict and more recent your statement that Greece can only be governed by a dictator. An utterly immature individual who has the logic pf a 10 year old. To compare governance of an Arab Islamic state as superior to that of the west is just sheer stupidity. Lets emulate them, let us adopt mutilation of female organs, let us ban any criticism of our governments, let us curb the press and introduce fucking sharia law.
Ypu ate a fucking idiot, everyone on this forum knows it. Shall i introduce a ....poll!!!!
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Re: Macedonia is Greece

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:56 am

miltiades wrote:As I said earlier, and many times is the past, you are an immature guy without even a minute amount of logic, as evidenced by your views on the Syrian conflict and more recent your statement that Greece can only be governed by a dictator. An utterly immature individual who has the logic pf a 10 year old. To compare governance of an Arab Islamic state as superior to that of the west is just sheer stupidity. Lets emulate them, let us adopt mutilation of female organs, let us ban any criticism of our governments, let us curb the press and introduce fucking sharia law.
Ypu ate a fucking idiot, everyone on this forum knows it. Shall i introduce a ....poll!!!!

No I am not an immature guy.

I know what classifies as a great country and a great people and I also dig the culture.

UAE I’m afraid is in a league of its own. It is a country that has gone beyond any other. An intriguing and colourful country with a lot of personality.

The Royals are doing are fine job and have the respect of their subjects. The King is even a fighter pilot and will be first in like Alexander The Great. Not like our Western Countries sending everyone else’s children to war. In addition, the UAE is a peaceful nation. They only got issues with Israel, and Iran.

You can introduce a poll. But the UAE shits on the UK and so many more countries I should not mention because you won’t be able to take it.
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Re: Macedonia is Greece

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:36 am

Ofcourse it shits on the ...UK.
As you can see thousands upon thousands of muslim refugees or rather economic migrants are flooding in to the country. Such a wonderfull nation, that immigrants risk their lives to enter. Only a fucking idipt would share your stupid views.
By the way, when the junta returns to ....Greece will you br moving there ???
Maybe Cyprus also needs a dictator !!
What a PLONKER !!!
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Re: Macedonia is Greece

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:44 am

miltiades wrote:Ofcourse it shits on the ...UK.
As you can see thousands upon thousands of muslim refugees or rather economic migrants are flooding in to the country. Such a wonderfull nation, that immigrants risk their lives to enter. Only a fucking idipt would share your stupid views.
By the way, when the junta returns to ....Greece will you br moving there ???
Maybe Cyprus also needs a dictator !!
What a PLONKER !!!

There are no refugees from UAE. On the contrary, everyone is trying to get permanent residency there. Only 17% of the population are citizens. One in five.

Yes it is a booming place and a great country. It isn’t anything close to Saudi Arabia or Iran. They have a tourism industry on steroids as well. No one has any fears with UAE. Dubai is one of the greatest cities of the world as is Abu Dhabi. All of UAE is great. It's also a very safe country.

UAE is a great example of a country that does not have democracy but has probably a much better leader than many Western Countries and many EU countries. It isn't the only example either. there are others. So as you can see democracy isn't everything.

You are the plonker I’m afraid. A very stupid and clueless plonker

Meet the next air to the throne. These are people bought up to run the UAE. And as you can see from the uniform, they serve their country. He isn't the kind of Royal that fucks hia own people either.
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Re: Macedonia is Greece

Postby Get Real! » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:21 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:They're nuts!

So, they should be called Macadamians. :P :D

:lol: Such a sweet girl...
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Re: Macedonia is Greece

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:45 am

miltiades wrote:Ofcourse it shits on the ...UK.
As you can see thousands upon thousands of muslim refugees or rather economic migrants are flooding in to the country. Such a wonderfull nation, that immigrants risk their lives to enter. Only a fucking idipt would share your stupid views.
By the way, when the junta returns to ....Greece will you br moving there ???
Maybe Cyprus also needs a dictator !!
What a PLONKER !!!

Yes when the Junta (Military) get hold off power, I will move to Greece. Nothing will give me greater pleasure than to see Greece have great leadership and really making Greece a strong country and for the leadership that will be fair and try to help the people, by developing industries, fostering great international relationships, and for Greece to be respected internationally.

Cyprus also needs a dictatorship, however, it is far too late for Cyprus. If it has a dictatorship it will cause a major problem for itself so Cyprus is stuck with incompetent Governments. And it will only get worse with rotating Presidencies and Turkish influence maybe. Only the upper echelons of the Military are the best leaders you can get. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

In actual fact, Cypriot Governments have been no where near as bad as any of Greece's Governments.

Even The Greek junta did some amazing things in Greece but they also did some awful things. I don't ever advocate for the awful things such as The Polytechneio. That was criminal. That was unwarranted murder. but yeh, A government Dictator like Metaxas, I can most certainly live with and be happy to, as long as they work for Greece.

What I have seen far too often is Greek Governments not working in Greece's or Cyprus' favor. Always taking the piss and offering corrupted rusfeti to its voters. Corruption is everywhere, but the entire system in Greece is rotten. That is why I wouldn't mind some kind of benevolent arsehole to sort all the shit out. Is that fair enough for you?

Dictatorships don't have to be bad. They don't need to be cruel. but they should be strict and they should work for the country and there are many dictatorships around the world which are great. UAE is an example of a great dictatorship in a great country.

I would be so pleased to have such a dictatorship in Greece. Even if the Dictator rorted the system and became a billionaire. I would be happy. Do you have any appreciation what a fake democracy such as what exists in Greece and elsewhere actually costs?

A country like Greece needs good leadership. They need an anti politician like Trump, or a Greek Army General. Good enough to be a General, then good enough for PM as far as I am concerned. These are the best guys.

Isn't it amazing that Greece's best ever Prime Minister was actually a Dictator himself? Metaxas was by far Greece's best PM, and a respected Statesman who gave the allies their first victory in WW2 which gave all of them hope and inspiration. He was a Dictator, and he made an impact and gave glory to Greece that will never be forgotten.

One more point. If I ever move back "home" to my roots, I will be preferring Greece over Cyprus. My wife is the opposite, she prefers Cyprus. So we will probably need a place in both and split our time. She likes Greece too but wants to be with her cousins (which is fair enough). I like Greece because Greece is really Greek. I know what I am like and I have a few problems with some Lebanese in Sydney (I hate em) so the future Cyprus might be too much of a shock for me with all the Turkish Settlers, Russians, Lebanese and God knows what else!

I have the same issues with Athens as I do with Sydney. I mean seriously, you walk down the street and you think you're in Islamabad! :shock: But at least when you get out of that shit hole, you are in the real Greece. :D

I think Sydney is a shit hole too.

I have come to terms with the fact that I am very racist!
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Re: Macedonia is Greece

Postby kurupetos » Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:12 pm

Sotos wrote:Ο καθένας με τον πόνο του ;) GR blames the Greeks, Paphitis blames the Russians, Kurupetos blames the Jews (he didn't say it but I am sure it is implied!)

What's Matthew Nimetz? :wink:
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