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Boeing 737 MAX+

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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:22 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I thought with the rise of fuel cost, hence higher ticket prices, people would start lying less.

Business Insider

US airlines like Delta and United are so desperate for pilots they are dropping some requirements and considering cutting training hours to get more pilots flying sooner

Taylor Rains
Sat, May 21, 2022, 2:52 PM

US airlines are once again grappling with the pilot shortage as travel demand skyrockets.

Regional carrier Republic Airways is considering reducing training requirements from 1,500 to 750 hours.

Senator Lindsay Graham reportedly could propose legislation that would increase the mandatory pilot retirement age from 65 to 67. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... 00170.html

That's not true at all.

I don't know what you mean by 750 to 1500 hours. You can get a job in the US with 300 hours, even at United but there is a very big catch. About 5 to 10 years as a second officer on B757, B767, B777 or B787 .

You can even get into the United Aviate Program from high school if you pay $150000 USD - again expect about 10 years as a second officer on long haul wide body.

Training requirements are regulated by the FAA and have never been reduced for as long as I have been flying.

And after Ground School, there is the regulatory requirement of 100 hours of line training. The average however is more like 150 hours. 200 hours for ex military rotor heads, and closer to 110 for ex US military fix wing. So all in all, United actually exceeds the minimum regulatory minimums.

High Time Pilots usually end up on short to medium haul B737. High time visa holders are now ending up at United Express but are guaranteed a command upgrade within 18 months, and also guaranteed Direct Entry Command into mainline United B737. Reason, it's much harder doing short haul in a B737 (some flights are 25 minutes) than it is long haul on a B787.

There is however some bias towards military pilots, who are a bit protected and usually it's these pilots who get the least training, except for Rotor Converts from the military who go through massive retraining into fix wing.

When I was flying single engines for hobby many years ago, it used to be that, 1,500 flying hours was required to earn a ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License), so I assume they want to reduce that now to 750 hours instead. :wink:

Pay scales just got increased tp $163 USD per hour Kikapu for first year First Officers on the United Payroll.

It's pretty good.

Lot's of Australian and Canadian Pilots getting recruited on E3 Visas. Requirement for E3 Visas are 1500 hours and an Australian or Canadian ATPL. Guaranteed Command Upgrade into mainline within 5 years and for those with greater than 5000 on MTOW > 5700 Gas Turbines within 18 months.

US Airlines are putting a lot of money on the Table. Delta is $157 USD per hour. These don't include all the overlay allowances on top.

Only Australian and Canadian citizens qualify atm on E3

Yes, I read that the other day. Sounds pretty good for Captains and line trainers for the mainline pilots. Regionals will earn a lot less though still getting an increase.

As soon as you move into the mainline as FO, the drinks are on you with your added pay increase. :wink:

As soon as you make captain on the main line, dinner is on you. :D

Just that you know, if you don’t make 40 credits=10 years ( 4 credit per year) working in the USA, you will not qualify for state pension (Social Security). If you are 55 years old now, then you will just make it, but if the official retirement age increases to 67 from 65, it gives you two more years to make sure you get the required 40 credits.

My aim is to apply for a Green Card - which leads to US Citizenry. Then I qualify for the pension. I anticipate the process to be a lot easier as US is handing Green Cards our to E3 Visa holders. It's just a process.

As for Super, I still send money over to my Aussie Super Fund. I don't have to, but I do it. This month, I am sending $46,000 AUD equivalent into my fund before end of month which is end of financial year.

So I'll have an Australian Pension and really good one. Should have over 2.5 million by the time I retire.

If I augment this with a US Pension, then even better, but I don't know the exact rules. Maybe I have to do 10+ years as you say, but that could be just fine with me the way things are. Kids will get to go to a US University as well. I'm willing to pay and send them to the best US Uni I can afford. So if hey do Medicine or Law or something of that nature, US is the place to be.

Son, wants to go into Aviation. So maybe United Aviate for him. Dynastic. 8)

Your Australian State pension will be your main pension, so keep feeding it each year.

The fact that you have another pension coming to you when you retire, and the fact that you will not have a full 30 years pension paid into the US Social Security, you will lose at least half of your Social Security Pension in the US.

This explains it clearly.

Windfall Elimination Provision
Your Social Security retirement or disability benefits can be reduced

Anyway, you will have your pension from the airline too. It used to be that the pensions were into the airlines own stock and when they filed for bankruptcy, chapters 7 or 11, it might have an affect how much you would get as pensions because it would take a hit too.

I don’t think you will need to be a Green Card holder or a US citizen to qualify for US pension as long as you were given a 9 digit Social Security Card number which is needed to be employed and taxes paid. I don’t know how your E3 work visa makes a difference on your SS pension in the US, if any?

Your full pension age will be 67 years old. The only question is, if the airlines will increase their retirement age for their pilots from 65 to 67 by the time you retire so that you can make your 40 credits. The good news is, you can work until you die in the US, therefore, you can earn your any missing 40 credits working as a ground crew. :wink:

I never really came to the US to sponge off the system.

I know I won't struggle in retirement. I'd imagine that I will be doing better than most people and be very comfortable, and able to do lots of things and travel whenever I like. So I am content.

I do want to get the Green Card though and become a citizen so that my kids can become citizens. Again, not for US pension, but to let my kids have the flexibility and live here if they choose to do so, and even educate themselves here in the US Teriary System.

Merika is a great place to be for people who work hard studying to get good qualifications, such as in Law, Medice and Aviation, and also to succeed. The kids can also go back to Australia if they want whenever they like.

I'm waiting to see what happens with inflation and interest rates and how this will impact the US market. Then I want to buy property. Preference is California. See what happens.
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:08 am

Paphitis wrote:
I never really came to the US to sponge off the system.

I know I won't struggle in retirement. I'd imagine that I will be doing better than most people and be very comfortable, and able to do lots of things and travel whenever I like. So I am content.

I do want to get the Green Card though and become a citizen so that my kids can become citizens. Again, not for US pension, but to let my kids have the flexibility and live here if they choose to do so, and even educate themselves here in the US Teriary System.

Merika is a great place to be for people who work hard studying to get good qualifications, such as in Law, Medice and Aviation, and also to succeed. The kids can also go back to Australia if they want whenever they like.

I'm waiting to see what happens with inflation and interest rates and how this will impact the US market. Then I want to buy property. Preference is California. See what happens.

Who said anything about you sponging off the US. If you and your employer are making contributions every pay period to Social Security and you meet the 40 credits, you will receive a US pension. You and your employer are also making contributions to Medicare, so that when you retire, you will get government health care. You still need to pay extra each month towards your medical coverage.

Your kids will be fine as they grow up as Americans. How long are you responsible for them under your work visa that they can stay with you? They may even Maryam American, to which they will get their Green Cards then their citizenships fairly quickly.

Having options in life is a good thing and having an important US passport will go along a long way. :wink:
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:04 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
I never really came to the US to sponge off the system.

I know I won't struggle in retirement. I'd imagine that I will be doing better than most people and be very comfortable, and able to do lots of things and travel whenever I like. So I am content.

I do want to get the Green Card though and become a citizen so that my kids can become citizens. Again, not for US pension, but to let my kids have the flexibility and live here if they choose to do so, and even educate themselves here in the US Teriary System.

Merika is a great place to be for people who work hard studying to get good qualifications, such as in Law, Medice and Aviation, and also to succeed. The kids can also go back to Australia if they want whenever they like.

I'm waiting to see what happens with inflation and interest rates and how this will impact the US market. Then I want to buy property. Preference is California. See what happens.

Who said anything about you sponging off the US. If you and your employer are making contributions every pay period to Social Security and you meet the 40 credits, you will receive a US pension. You and your employer are also making contributions to Medicare, so that when you retire, you will get government health care. You still need to pay extra each month towards your medical coverage.

Your kids will be fine as they grow up as Americans. How long are you responsible for them under your work visa that they can stay with you? They may even Maryam American, to which they will get their Green Cards then their citizenships fairly quickly.

Having options in life is a good thing and having an important US passport will go along a long way. :wink:

“they may even merry Americans” is what I meant to say”!
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 20, 2022 3:36 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
I never really came to the US to sponge off the system.

I know I won't struggle in retirement. I'd imagine that I will be doing better than most people and be very comfortable, and able to do lots of things and travel whenever I like. So I am content.

I do want to get the Green Card though and become a citizen so that my kids can become citizens. Again, not for US pension, but to let my kids have the flexibility and live here if they choose to do so, and even educate themselves here in the US Teriary System.

Merika is a great place to be for people who work hard studying to get good qualifications, such as in Law, Medice and Aviation, and also to succeed. The kids can also go back to Australia if they want whenever they like.

I'm waiting to see what happens with inflation and interest rates and how this will impact the US market. Then I want to buy property. Preference is California. See what happens.

Who said anything about you sponging off the US. If you and your employer are making contributions every pay period to Social Security and you meet the 40 credits, you will receive a US pension. You and your employer are also making contributions to Medicare, so that when you retire, you will get government health care. You still need to pay extra each month towards your medical coverage.

Your kids will be fine as they grow up as Americans. How long are you responsible for them under your work visa that they can stay with you? They may even Maryam American, to which they will get their Green Cards then their citizenships fairly quickly.

Having options in life is a good thing and having an important US passport will go along a long way. :wink:

Sorry I didn't mean to say you said that.

I just have to be careful what I say. I'm not in America to use the country for my gain. They have a need for my qualifications, and as a result have welcomed me into their country and as a VISA holder, I have to respect their laws, and their country. Which I sincerely do as a matter of fact.

My 2 kids just turned 12. They are twins. Yes, well you never know what happens down the track. Their first loves might be American, in which case no worries. As long as they are happy and have nice, loving and caring partners.

Personally, I think they are at their most formative years, and that if we stay in America for the next few years, they may just get so use to America and stay in America forever. I donm't believe they will be going back to Australia. Whilst I believe Australia is in many ways a far better country, I can see how people can end up loving America so much. It's so big, it consumes people and despite all the warts there is also a lot of excitement and opportunity.

At some point, I think my wife and I will return to Australia. Somehow, I don't think the kids will follow once they have their own circle of friends and build their own lives... Probably America will become everything they are use to and know.
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jul 21, 2022 9:32 am

Something for Paphitis.

"It's Like Flying Out Of A Toilet Bowl": Pilots Are Sharing Airports They Think Are Difficult To Land In

Wed, July 20, 2022, 7:46 PM

Recently, I came across a couple of Quora threads asking pilots what airports are most challenging to land at.


The answers are so interesting! Here are 19 of the most frequently mentioned airports.

:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... 02349.html
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 21, 2022 9:43 am

Let me add tis to the list. They may even be shot in the street by a policeman.
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jul 27, 2022 2:09 am

...the interesting state of leasing in the aviation industry.
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:04 pm

LA to Paris; 5 hours.
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Londonrake » Sun Aug 28, 2022 6:04 pm

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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Londonrake » Sun Aug 28, 2022 6:09 pm

Not Boeing but another (Air France) classic. ... t-mid-air/

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