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EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Kikapu » Fri Jun 21, 2019 10:40 am

Lordo wrote:which bit of

"christofias signed up to the reources being the responsibility of the federal cyprus so he has signed them away to the future"

do you have difficuly understanding. eez belongs to federal cyprus and until it comes to existance gc have no legal or moral right to extract and if they do and get wacked nobody will come to their aid.

so as dirty harry would say " do you feel lucky punk?"

And which part don’t you understand that “nothing is agreed on until everything is agreed on”. The TCs and Turkey understand that very well, which is why they want to be included in the hydrocarbons also, despite not there been a Federal government yet. The EEZ belongs to the RoC and it is the RoC that the U.N. and the EU recognizes 100% all over the island and not unfounded Federal government yet.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Kikapu » Fri Jun 21, 2019 10:50 am

I hope Turkey finds hydrocarbons in the RoC’s EEZ, and after all the money and effort Turkey had spent doing so, the RoC will just license that find to an American oil company to bring it to the surface since it legally belongs to the RoC. I would like to see Turkey stopping ExxonMobil from doing that. But don’t worry, the RoC will thank Turkey for once playing a positive role in Cyprus as the hydrocarbons money goes into it’s treasury to benefit the RoC.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Lordo » Fri Jun 21, 2019 12:15 pm

Kikapu wrote:I hope Turkey finds hydrocarbons in the RoC’s EEZ, and after all the money and effort Turkey had spent doing so, the RoC will just license that find to an American oil company to bring it to the surface since it legally belongs to the RoC. I would like to see Turkey stopping ExxonMobil from doing that. But don’t worry, the RoC will thank Turkey for once playing a positive role in Cyprus as the hydrocarbons money goes into it’s treasury to benefit the RoC.

if this is not hoping for war i don't know what it is. becareful for what you wish for.

but if it should happen that will be a first just like pigs developing wings.

i feel a sooooooooong coming on. enjoy

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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Lordo » Fri Jun 21, 2019 12:19 pm

you see kakapoo pigs can fly
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:00 pm

Eu to implement sanctions. ... st-turkey/ ... 1561073148

Bordo, I have no idea why you always support and argue for the illegal and immoral actions of turkey.

Especially against Cyprus.

Says a lot about you and turkey really. Trying to turn and force the completely unacceptable in to the acceptable. :roll:

Turkeys illegal drilling in Cyprus eez will become another sunk cost fallacy, just like the occupation of the Northern Territory.

US sanctions still to come..

Enjoy going back to the Stone Age!

Every Turk will pay the price.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Kikapu » Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:34 pm

Lordo wrote:you see kakapoo pigs can fly

Yes, pgs can fly. :D
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:11 pm

...and linking Famagusta to the oil? Having linked oil exploration to Constitutional reform what is that?

Pure greed, (continued) Ignorance, it seems to me, no reason, wanting it all, and more.

All this escalation has left the so called TRNC with, no water, no electricity, no choice in any exploitation of resources, and as a legislature completely impotent under Erdogan's personal subjugation, as he says, regarded, more like parasites, unavoidable you might say, his servant-slaves. This, the "Cypriot Turk", happy in their misery, who has no Pride as a Cypriot, a Human being, or as a Cypriot Turkish or Greek.

While the EU, respecting the balance of power, has done everything to allow for (natural) change, it has come to naught, it seems, with sanctions to be imposed, accordingly...

Cyprus, or more precisely, the Problem, may unify the EU, being the one issue where they may defend (their Sovereignty) themselves, and their Principals, in solidarity; Turkey, and "Turkishness" having become real and evident threats to their way of life directly: and without Cyprus existing more hostility with "their" Supremacy of the sea.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 07, 2019 1:47 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:which bit of

"christofias signed up to the reources being the responsibility of the federal cyprus so he has signed them away to the future"

do you have difficuly understanding. eez belongs to federal cyprus and until it comes to existance gc have no legal or moral right to extract and if they do and get wacked nobody will come to their aid.

so as dirty harry would say " do you feel lucky punk?"

And which part don’t you understand that “nothing is agreed on until everything is agreed on”. The TCs and Turkey understand that very well, which is why they want to be included in the hydrocarbons also, despite not there been a Federal government yet. The EEZ belongs to the RoC and it is the RoC that the U.N. and the EU recognizes 100% all over the island and not unfounded Federal government yet.

but this only works for the local sheepriots, th einternational community knows exactly what is going on and what has been agreed. which is why they do very little to stop terggy behaving the way she does. never mind back to gc propaganda for you. thats what you are best at.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:34 pm

The international community does not recognize the “tRNA”

They recognize the republic of Cyprus and her eez that wraps around the whole island.

Everyone, even turkey refer the the natural resources being in Cyprus eez. Do you not read and listen to the news, it’s always to referred to as cyprus’s Eez.

Do you get that? It’s Cyprus’s Eez which turkey and the “trnc” as entities have no right to.

When will you wake up and realize you are showing the world that your positions are illegitimate.

They have told you already many times as well that the occupation is illegal and turkey has to withdraw.... :roll:
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:52 pm

Lorde does not even get it when you ask extra chillies on your Hala Pork Shish. :lol: :D
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