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Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:03 pm

It’s very simple Greece... defend your shit or lose it!

I’m tired of watching you cowering the last 50 years... high time you grew a spine!
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Maximus » Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:06 pm

Get Real! wrote:It’s very simple Greece... defend your shit or lose it!

I’m tired of watching you cowering the last 50 years... high time you grew a spine!

They should have downed any Turkish jets violating their airspace from time ago.

They havent, so Turkey keeps on doing it.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:08 pm

Maximus wrote:
Get Real! wrote:It’s very simple Greece... defend your shit or lose it!

I’m tired of watching you cowering the last 50 years... high time you grew a spine!

They should have downed any Turkish jets violating their airspace from time ago.

They havent, so Turkey keeps on doing it.

And Greece never learns... they either have to sacrifice some shit to retain ALL their shit, all lose it. They just don't get it...
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Maximus » Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:12 pm

Most of the Greek population support a war.

According to some poll,

cant remember where I read it or the sample size or anything else,

But the Greeks are determined and pissed.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:35 pm

Before a war starts the Eu and USA jump in and stop it... Greece would most likely cause a lot of damage and very likely win. A loss to turkey means extreme upheaval within the country, the Turks know this.. I wouldn’t expect anything out of this..
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Maximus » Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:07 pm

The US has frozen weapons sales to Turkey for two years. ... ars-report

The other week, aircraft carrier eisenhower was parked up at a Greek island, with 10 or so other war ships.

US congress has lifted a decades olds arms embargo on the Republic of Cyprus.

Make of that what you will.

Maybe its time to liberate Cyprus and balkanize Turkey.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Paphitis » Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:00 am

Get Real! wrote:
Maximus wrote:
Get Real! wrote:It’s very simple Greece... defend your shit or lose it!

I’m tired of watching you cowering the last 50 years... high time you grew a spine!

They should have downed any Turkish jets violating their airspace from time ago.

They havent, so Turkey keeps on doing it.

And Greece never learns... they either have to sacrifice some shit to retain ALL their shit, all lose it. They just don't get it...

They better get it before it’s too late.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:00 pm

The world is full of idiots and we have some running countries. Just looking at Donald Trump you can clearly see what a sorry state the world is in. Let's hope this doesn't escalate and common sense prevails.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Maximus » Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:52 pm

Common sense is;

Don't violate other countries borders and exclusive economic zones.

That's proper conduct.

Follow the law of the sea.

This has nothing to do with trump.

It has everything to do with erdogan and turkey. Trying to steal other people's land in the region and resources in the med sea.

Common sense exists with every other country in the region except Turkey and erdogans lackey in North Cyprus and Libya.

Greece shows immense restraint with Turkey and the EU has so much patience they might as well be aloof.

Don't try and divert attetion away to trump or make it seem like Turkey has some value claim going on.

She is attempting to violate other countries rights with gunboat diplomacy. Everyone else is trying to enforce the law.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:18 pm

No country acting under the “Law of the Sea Convention“ escort their drill and seismic survey ships by military vessels, which is what Turkey does, because Turkey has not signed that treaty, because she knows that the law is not on her side, therefore she literally uses gunboat diplomacy to try to “negotiate” with others rights to their EEZ to give her what she is not entitled to. If Turkey wasn’t a trouble maker with her neighbours, I believe they would have cut her into the bounty under the Med’s sea floor, but not the way she is behaving which she has alienated everyone in the region. If she is not careful, not only these neighbouring countries are going to drill together, but they will form a defense pact much like NATO to attack Turkish ships when entering EEZ of her neighbours.
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