Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Erdogan is a criminal. Pure and simple. He isn't abiding by any international norms or International law such as UNCLOS.
the US on the other hand supports and backs the principles and laws of UNCLOS. It supports Greece's and Cyprus' EEZ claims. It does not support Turkey's illegal claims, nor Chy-na's illegal claims in the South China Sea.
It is behaving as a kind of international cop, but who else is going to do it? If it wasn't for the US, Chy-na would just get away with it.
So if we were to put erdogan and Trump side by side, it's easy to see which one is doing their best to be responsible and which is behaving like a rogue terrorist. Erdogan is the war mongering terrorist, hated by virtually every neighbor of their's much like Chy-na is,
Trump became a criminal the moment he attacked Syria with a barrage of missiles early in his tenure, and for a whole bunch of criminal misdeeds (both military and financial) thereafter, which I won’t bother listing.
They’re both criminals, dumb, egotistic and pathetic clowns... their only difference is that Trump smiles more often.

Trump defeated ISIS and was operating in areas that were not even under Syria's control.
The only time I will be critical of Trump was when he decided to withdraw from Syria after he defeated ISIS. He withdrew from Kurdish Controlled areas and I consider that to be a betrayal of the Kurds. It opened them up to both Syrian and Turkish attack. The Coalition forces would have stayed and helped the Kurds form a separatist State - their own country.
This was Trumps biggest betrayal or even stuff up. The Kurds made a massive contribution to the defeat of ISIL. Who can forget the siege of Kobani where Kurdish Women were fighting with such bravery and dedication against the ISIS terrorist and against all odds. The Coalition helped them from the air, but by gee, the Kurds really fought so hard and so well, and had ISIS running after what seemed like a battle they couldn't win.
The Kurds deserved better.
I am willing to accept the fact that Trump's betrayal was criminal, but he himself is no criminal. Certainly no criminal like Erdowan is. Trump has never violated UNCLOS and has no intention of doing such a thing. On the contrary, Trump has even put his money where his mouth is and conducts freedom of navigation in the South China Sea in support of the claims of some 8 countries against China.
What Turkey is doing to Greece and Cyprus is no different to what China is doing in the South China Sea. And Trump is standing up and being counted for what is right and in complete accordance with UNCLOS.
As to being dumb. I reject that. because if Trump is dumb, then Hillary, Bush, and Biden are dumber. Because as dumb as you say Trump is, he was clearly smart enough to absolutely destroy all of them. Hillary having some 20 years experience in US politics was no match. The reason for that is this. Trump has no filter like other politicians do. he will say what is on his mind and it works for him, He comes up with the most wittiest, and hilarious come backs and his take downs can be brutal. We see it time and time again, with journalists, other politicians and others.
The other thing that sets Trump apart and speaks of his intelligence is North Korea. if Hillary won office, there would have been a war with North Korea. Trump not only avoided a war with North Korea but even established a relationship with North Korea allowing the US to have dialogue with them before actually going to war with them which should always be the last resort and after all avenues of dialogue are exhausted.
As being egotistical. yes he has an ego. But nowhere near the ego of Erdowan or Pootin.