Lordo wrote:Why on earth would I be upset about the activities of a person who has reverted to posting at the mental capacity of a 5-year-old.
Go sit in the corner facing the corner and do not touch the cucumber. You are not allowed to do to it what you normally do to it. it is reserved for the salad for the grown-ups.
Juvenile: Childish. Immature". Well, just like the above. Or, do you really think those remarks are "intellectual" put downs. Not forgetting 6 months of the same ole "toilet brush" shit of course

. Sorry, bad pun.
In case you haven't clocked it. I've spent enough time reading your posts in here (not the Tory Party. If they want to eat each other, that's their affair. Fill your boots) without saying anything. Few I think would have the patience to put up with 6 years and 600+ posts slagging off their country - referred to as "Swineland" - without, for most of it, responding.
Forums give you a platform of course but politically you're in the cold wilderness. The ever-present "looney left". Like all of them you live in a bubble and despite your 50 UK years don't seem to have any idea about much north of Barnet.
You're going to die a very old, bitterly disappointed man because you simply don't have a Scooby Doo about the make up of your average UK voter and your dreams (like your recently politically deceased hero's) are just that - fantasies.