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La La Land

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:06 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:It is very important than a land which prides itself in her democracy like the Swine Land, the truth comes out.

They have just admitted at killing 64 children.

Of those deaths that have been recorded, the actual number of children killed could actually be as high as 135, because some of the fatalities are described in Ministry of Defence (MoD) documents merely as sons and daughters - with ages and circumstances of deaths not always included.

AOAV says it is possible some of those 135 were adults, but the likelihood of them having been under 18 is high because of the very young average age in Afghanistan.

Most of the 881 fatality claims made to the British were rejected and only a quarter received compensation.

Lordo wrote:Only a Tory fascist would say the negative comments made against the Tories which includes the establishment is an attack on the UK.

Another "Swineland" slag-off - which you apparently don't do. It's all it seems about the Swine party. Yeah. Of course. :roll:

After the March Kiev debacle and the loss of a large amount of armour, the Russians pulled back to Donbas and changed their tactics. Fundamentally, to the long range heavy bombardment of population centres. Primarily with artillery but including rocket and bombing attacks.

I've no doubt that there will have been single weeks when they killed far more Ukrainian children than your shocking revelation. Although, those which found there way onto the front page will all have been "false flag" incidents. Faithfully parroted by the useful idiot brigade.

That doesn't matter though does it? Because the invasion meets with your approval and the Ukrainian nation are getting what they deserve. Pity about the kids of course.

How may children were killed when Surovikin oversaw the flattening of Grozny and Aleppo? Like me you'll have no idea. That doesn't matter though. The important thing is you've no interest. You couldn't care less. It's called hypocrisy.

Back to weeping and wailing about the abused Swineland poor's electricity bills, ehh?

BTW. Isn't the BBC part of the great Western MSM conspiracy? Everything it says to be discounted as "propaganda".

Let me see if I can decipher it for you, perhaps it will make more sense.

Swine Party = Tory Party
Swine = Member of the tory party, member of the establishment including the royal family, corporations including the media and any other ass-wipe who support any of them.
Swine land is UK under the Tory Party

As to the bullshit Broadcasting Corporation, well it does what it says on the tin. Like I said before, it is the best media money can buy.

Me depressed; you must be fucking joking. Happiness is within. One is very happy for one's own life, but one must bring up the suffering implemented on more than half the population here, especially on those who are working 3 jobs and still cannot make ends meet.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:11 pm

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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:30 pm

Lordo wrote:As to the bullshit Broadcasting Corporation, well it does what it says on the tin. Like I said before, it is the best media money can buy.

Me depressed; you must be fucking joking. Happiness is within. One is very happy for one's own life, but one must bring up the suffering implemented on more than half the population here, especially on those who are working 3 jobs and still cannot make ends meet.

Weren't Labour in power when a lot of those Afghan kids were killed? :?

We must be talking about two different BBCs. Mine was the organisation which was fairly instrumental in helping bring down Johnson and, in a smaller but still significant way, Trump. Hardly sounds like your Russian State Media outfit does it? Speaking of which. Can you imagine RT running a campaign against Putin (a democrat apparently. :lol: ) detailing his lies and the endemic corruption? Although, they never get a critical mention of course. Odd that. What's the word again?

Sorry, but you really don't come across as a bundle of sunshine. As well as good ole Eeyore here's another character that for some reason reminds me of you.

:lol: :wink:

If you think people in the UK are "suffering" I can only suggest you get into a time machine and go for a trip back to a UK urban ghetto in the 1950s, or perhaps spend some time in the likes of rural India. You will be amazed at how your perceptions of "poverty" change.

In almost 50 years working in the UK (etc) I never once met anyone doing 3 jobs. Lucky you.

Anyway. I apologise for intruding on your private thread. Just wanted to prove my fidelity reading your posts. :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Wed Nov 09, 2022 10:07 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:As to the bullshit Broadcasting Corporation, well it does what it says on the tin. Like I said before, it is the best media money can buy.

Me depressed; you must be fucking joking. Happiness is within. One is very happy for one's own life, but one must bring up the suffering implemented on more than half the population here, especially on those who are working 3 jobs and still cannot make ends meet.

Weren't Labour in power when a lot of those Afghan kids were killed? :?

We must be talking about two different BBCs. Mine was the organisation which was fairly instrumental in helping bring down Johnson and, in a smaller but still significant way, Trump. Hardly sounds like your Russian State Media outfit does it? Speaking of which. Can you imagine RT running a campaign against Putin (a democrat apparently. :lol: ) detailing his lies and the endemic corruption? Although, they never get a critical mention of course. Odd that. What's the word again?

Sorry, but you really don't come across as a bundle of sunshine. As well as good ole Eeyore here's another character that for some reason reminds me of you.

:lol: :wink:

If you think people in the UK are "suffering" I can only suggest you get into a time machine and go for a trip back to a UK urban ghetto in the 1950s, or perhaps spend some time in the likes of rural India. You will be amazed at how your perceptions of "poverty" change.

In almost 50 years working in the UK (etc) I never once met anyone doing 3 jobs. Lucky you.

Anyway. I apologise for intruding on your private thread. Just wanted to prove my fidelity reading your posts. :wink:

Ignorance is bliss. What's telling is the fact that you think Blair was Labour.
Can you imagine paying 7000 pounds or so for each child killed, depending on the currency rate of the day.

Now that's what I call Swine politics.

No need to apologise this is a public forum and you don't have to prove nofink to nobuddy.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Wed Nov 09, 2022 10:23 pm

Lordo wrote:Ignorance is bliss. What's telling is the fact that you think Blair was Labour.
Can you imagine paying 7000 pounds or so for each child killed, depending on the currency rate of the day.

Now that's what I call Swine politics.

No need to apologise this is a public forum and you don't have to prove nofink to nobuddy.

Yeah but. I was hoping for at least some sort of grudging acknowledgement, or perhaps a respectful silence even, regarding your complaining of UK atrocities in killing 64 kids in Afghanistan over what - 10 years? - apparently by the "Swine" party - only most of it actually wasn't - whilst implicitly supporting the slaughter and driven homelessness of many thousands of Ukrainian children in the past 9 months. A pious hope I appreciate. I mean, come on, don't you get embarrassed by the hypocrisy? Seriously? :?

As I've said before - quite a few times I think - you really need to sort out what exactly your principles are. What you stand for - rather than falling over yourself not to upset other people on this forum - and try to stick to them.

"Here are my principles. If you don't like them - well - I have others".

If he's looking to get elected. Do you think Sir Keir Starmer is going to be any different than Blair? How naïve.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu Nov 10, 2022 12:32 am

Clearly you have not read my posts against people I disagree with. Especially with GR and religion and evolution or even Cyprus Problem.
Be that as it may, you do not even understand how this forum works.
Whose side you are on depends on the subject matter. And of course, it is temporary.

Pay attention, otherwise you will never learn will ya
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Nov 11, 2022 10:45 pm

Aaaaaaaaany way onwards and upwards as a swine would say. Poor little Swineland everybody is picking on her. Life is just not fair is it?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Fri Nov 11, 2022 11:02 pm

Any comment on the tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians that have died? No, I thought not. You are all for it.

Any comment on the Iranian "religious police" murdering a woman because she wasn't wearing her Jihab correctly? Followed by large scale demonstrations where they shot to death protesters - current estimate 233 - including people who were attending a funeral.

No, I guess not. ... -protests/

Any comment on the Iranian rapper protester's torture. Now condemned to be executed? For speaking out on the above.

No - of course not.

You are so full of shit and hypocrisy.

Seriously, why on Earth do you stay in Swineland? You've been suffering there for 50 years. Why don't you sell a few of your properties, give some of the money to the deserving and starving UK poor then go back to the TRNC, where you would obviously be much happier.

It's one of those imponderable mysteries I guess. :?
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Fri Nov 11, 2022 11:13 pm

Londonrake wrote:Any comment on the tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians that have died? No, I thought not. You are all for it.

Any comment on the Iranian "religious police" murdering a woman because she wasn't wearing her Jihab correctly? Followed by large scale demonstrations where they shot to death protesters - current estimate 233 - including people who were attending a funeral.

No, I guess not. ... -protests/

Any comment on the Iranian rapper protester's torture. Now condemned to be executed? For speaking out on the above.

No - of course not.

You are so full of shit and hypocrisy.

Seriously, why on Earth do you stay in Swineland? You've been suffering there for 50 years. Why don't you sell a few of your properties, give some of the money to the deserving and starving UK poor then go back to the TRNC, where you would obviously be much happier.

It's one of those imponderable mysteries I guess. :?

Wrong thread.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Londonrake » Fri Nov 11, 2022 11:20 pm

Lordo wrote:
Londonrake wrote:Any comment on the tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians that have died? No, I thought not. You are all for it.

Any comment on the Iranian "religious police" murdering a woman because she wasn't wearing her Jihab correctly? Followed by large scale demonstrations where they shot to death protesters - current estimate 233 - including people who were attending a funeral.

No, I guess not. ... -protests/

Any comment on the Iranian rapper protester's torture. Now condemned to be executed? For speaking out on the above.

No - of course not.

You are so full of shit and hypocrisy.

Seriously, why on Earth do you stay in Swineland? You've been suffering there for 50 years. Why don't you sell a few of your properties, give some of the money to the deserving and starving UK poor then go back to the TRNC, where you would obviously be much happier.

It's one of those imponderable mysteries I guess. :?

Wrong thread.

Wrong contender. Your days of blissful, lonesome - slagging off my country - Blogging are over. :wink:
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