Lordo wrote:Come on RW, if the Swine can claim the Malvinas, Russia has the right to claim the arctic.
By Swine do you mean the Conservative Party?

A radical suggestion I know but....................... perhaps you should do a bit of research on the Falklands war and what led up to it? Particularly what the Argentinian Fascist Junta did to their fellow countrymen (let me help. They murdered about 30,000) before they tried to divert attention from their "genocide"

Anyway, moving on.
You know - we can feel spring in the air already here. Temps are hitting the 20s every day. The swallows arrived this week - and they know far more about the weather than any met office.
You really should give some deep consideration to coming back home. All your problems with those Swine you're surrounded with would disappear - just like that. And perhaps we would be spared your interminable, boring bitching about the UK political news. Well, as you see it that is.