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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:04 pm

Lordo wrote:Come on RW, if the Swine can claim the Malvinas, Russia has the right to claim the arctic.

By Swine do you mean the Conservative Party? :? No, you're obviously talking about the British. Of which you ain't one.

A radical suggestion I know but....................... perhaps you should do a bit of research on the Falklands war and what led up to it? Particularly what the Argentinian Fascist Junta did to their fellow countrymen (let me help. They murdered about 30,000) before they tried to divert attention from their "genocide" :roll: by invading the islands. Don't go making yourself some sort of "socialist" hypocrite. Heaven forbid.

Anyway, moving on.

You know - we can feel spring in the air already here. Temps are hitting the 20s every day. The swallows arrived this week - and they know far more about the weather than any met office.

You really should give some deep consideration to coming back home. All your problems with those Swine you're surrounded with would disappear - just like that. And perhaps we would be spared your interminable, boring bitching about the UK political news. Well, as you see it that is. :wink:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:30 pm

Kikapu wrote:Hello LR,

I am around, just not posting much at the moment.

It appears Russia is taking the fight to Ukraine/NATO methodically in reaching their goals, I meter at a time, at least that’s how it has been up to this point on the eve of the two year anniversary of the war, however, the crushed and demoralized Ukraine/NATO will likely get crushed at faster rate from here on. I haven’t posted much on Ukraine lately since the war is coming to a close not to far in the future. I believe both Paphitis and Pyro feel the same way, hence not posting on the subject. No one takes pleasure in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, regardless whether they are Russians or Ukrainians or mercenaries along with civilians. Let’s just wait for the final chapter of this war, which may be here much earlier than expected!


We - sort of - agree on some points. Yes, it's 2 years tomorrow I believe. Yet, Russian gains in all that time, given their overwhelming superiority in most areas, have been relatively modest. We hear that this or that village has been "liberated". Casualty and equipment loss figures are always contentious but there are certainly some credible accounts of how the body-count and loss of armour has been eye watering. Not that it would be a concern for Mr Putin.

I would ask. If given what you say were to happen - and I still can't see how the West could allow Putin to conquer the whole of Ukraine (surely, Moldova at least would be next) - how do you see their occupation going afterwards? There would be a nation of 40 million who despised Russians, armed covertly to the teeth in a way that would make the US armament of the Mujahadeen look like a nursery affair. Any Quisling Ukranian puppets would be taken out like flies. Step up? A non pensionable job for sure? It would surely be a total shit fest for the Russians? I've seen estimates it would take occupational forces of well over a million to maintain what would be a draconianly repressive rule.

What's your view on that?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 24, 2024 12:08 am

...i am not sure of the "winning" side, and i do not expect it to end soon. Indeed, over the decades we have seen that the Americans are apt to pull out of their fights more often than not. However, the threat from this engagement is in affect existential; the few in Congress who cause so much delay have taken a vacation for two weeks, with their return we will see from the sober second thinking some may have if they are so willing to be so cavalier with 'our' lives and their "own".

..."Russia" may have the resources they need to carry on with this and other "Special Operations" to follow, their Economy is doing great i hear, but "they" do not have as firm a grip on the People as they think. Witness the man Navalny who died naturally it is said, and yet "Russians" fear him even dead lest Russians join his mother in grief, to mourn. What Putin has done to win his election, the thousands who have died and this man is insignificant really i imagine in his mind, thinking of bigger "things", the globe. He is still a wanna be more desperate to join "Them" (to have their power), more angry more dangerous that way outside this Club.

...and this stuff in Gaza, in Rafah, (Netanyahu may resign for Israel to get back the hostages), it will/can not last a long time in any case. Heads will turn to Putin again eventually, (probably even more determined to put an end to his mythic reality of what "Russianness" means). It is not over in the Ukraine as yet because the EU is stepping up, so too the individual countries who understand the threat of Putin's ambitions ignored, and, should the Republicans get back to their House refreshed and unwilling to be helpful, unwilling to demonstrate which "side" they are on, it will become an election issue in November, where once again i suspect that Patriots will not be absent when their vote will count the most.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 24, 2024 12:40 am

Fascist Ukrainians are responsible for the war there and Zionists in Israel in Palestine both are backed by America. There is only one way to end it and drive American influence from everywhere.

Than we shall have peace.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:56 am

"(end) American influence", what does that mean; an end to Universal Principles for example, an end to Rule of Law, an end to 'us' defined as Individuals and judged on merit, an end to fairness as a willful intention in Goodwill?"You" are being silly Lordo.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:04 am

Lordo wrote:Fascist Ukrainians are responsible for the war there and Zionists in Israel in Palestine both are backed by America. There is only one way to end it and drive American influence from everywhere.

Than we shall have peace.

Yeah. What have the Romans ever done for us?

Happy 2nd Anniversary.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:26 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:"(end) American influence", what does that mean; an end to Universal Principles for example, an end to Rule of Law, an end to 'us' defined as Individuals and judged on merit, an end to fairness as a willful intention in Goodwill?"You" are being silly Lordo.

I agree it was not a wise choice for a word to be used. I was feeling gentle like. Total American control would have been a better choice.

Now you are being silly using words like Universal Principles and Rule of Law in the same sentence as Americans. This is a country that has not signed up to ICJ and never punished a single American soldier who murdered innocent civilians anywhere in the world.

You are funny RW.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:22 pm

All day the news channels on TV have been telling its audience that …….. “It is two years ago today that Russia attacked Ukraine!” The MSM time line starts from when Russia responded to US backed Kyiv’s attack on The Donbas on the 12th/13th March, some ten days earlier, without it being mentioned at all even though it was the trigger for Russia’s actions!

Of course the Kyiv army were well equipped and had been preparing and moving arms and personnel down to the Minsk line of contact, all openly supported for several months, by the US/UK. The OSCE Daily reports at the time showed this happening but I have never seen any reports of how many Donbas civilians died in those few days.

Now compare that with how the media reports the HAMAS attack on Israel on 7th Oct, remembering that Hamas were armed only with hand weapons and RPG’s. Like Kyiv’s attack on Donbas, this is what triggered Israel’s response. Just like Kyiv’s attack triggered Russia’s response.
In both cases these were conflicts that had been going on for years. In both cases an escalation in hostilities by one side triggered the response by the other. So in both cases they follow a similar event sequence time line but by shifting the start point on one you create two different scenarios when in fact in essence they are the same.

In the case of the US backed Kyiv attack that triggered Russia’s response ……. that part of the timeline is ignored by the Western Alliance and its MSM and Russia becomes the aggressor. In the case of the HAMAS attack that triggered Israel’s response ……… the trigger invoked by Hamas action is defined the cause of Israel’s response and Israel is only exercising its right to respond to an attack on ‘its soil’. But the difference in the military capability of the opposing and warring parties is very different in each case!

In Ukraine, Russia responded to an attack by a well armed and very large opposing force (… I believe Ukraine had the largest Army in Europe?) …….. although, of course Russia was far bigger and better prepared but their response came as no surprise as Biden had already said the attack by Russia was imminent. The US/UK knew before hand what the Kyiv plan was.

In GAZA, Israel’s eventual massive military response was to a lightly armed group of just over a thousand HAMAS insurgents with a very, very limited offensive capability. But HAMAS gets all the blame because THEY started it. Apparently all this came as a great surprise to Israeli Intelligence and, according to reports, they were caught completely unaware. I don’t believe that for one minute!

So …….. why is the ‘trigger’ event in Ukraine ignored and the Russian response to Kyiv’s aggression blamed for starting it …….. but when it comes to the ‘trigger’ on a very much smaller scale by HAMAS on the Israeli border, the start of the time line is conveniently shifted …… and it is HAMAS that is to blame because THEY started it and the massive loss of civilian lives and the genocide and total destruction of GAZA is played down?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:30 pm

They are still saying Hamas killed all 1200 Israelis to this day even though there is evidence that Israel had used the Hannibal Directive and killed a lot of their own civilians which were in their homes being held by Hamas.

The double standards of the Western News Media is disgusting.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 25, 2024 1:59 pm

Swine Fever is spreading.
One caller this morning mentioned to him about the agreement between Russia and Ukraine and he actually claimed that was a myth. He also explained why it does not exist. According to him if it was he would have been informed about it as he is the Shadow Foreign Secretary.

A second caller said that he grew up with a Ukrainian friend and his friend was always talking about a fault line between the Ukrainians and the Russian Speaking Ukrainians in the east and that sooner or later his country will be split.

He totally denied both as myths as well as all the East Ukrainians killed by military back in 2014. According to him they were no Russians killed at that time.
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