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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:49 pm

Robin Hood wrote:I have the same attitude to drinking as Prince William that got him the nick name of 'two-pints-Willy' :roll: I still have have left half of the 24 pack cans of KEO I bought last Summer. I drink very little,

I started to comment on Cameron's speech ........ but gave up! There were just too many lies and distorted claims and it was becoming as long as a Ron Unz article! Did you listen to it? If you agreed with him ..... you have my sympathy as you must be drowning in disinformation! :roll:

Yes, I know. But that doesn't give your writ to make such baseless accusations. As I said - what's the justification? There are some who post when drunk. Usually clearly evident. Mr Lordo isn't above such things.

I am certainly no fan of Del Boy Cameron. I've seen his referendum speech many times "What happens is up to you. Not us politicians. The result will be binding" Etc. Then he campaigned with his mate George, the BoE, big business - et al - for a remain vote, full of lies and distortions. So, you won't get much of an argument on the man from me. Having said that, you've put a spin on Gadaffi which more suits your agenda than the man or his demise.

If anything ensured Sunak's inevitable demise I suspect it will have been resurrecting the corpse of Cameron and placing him - via a House of Lord's fiddle - into one of the great offices of State in the UK.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 25, 2024 6:00 pm

Having said that, you've put a spin on Gadaffi which more suits your agenda than the man or his demise.

So explain what happened as you see it! :?:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Feb 25, 2024 6:09 pm

Robin Hood wrote:LR:
Having said that, you've put a spin on Gadaffi which more suits your agenda than the man or his demise.

So explain what happened as you see it! :?:

Whilst it can be argued that - as UK Foreign Secretary - Cameron is part of the Ukraine story that doesn't apply to Gaddafi.

I have to say - the amount of hatred you display for some world events, outside our control and (touch wood) which leaves us largely unaffected, seems extraordinary. I think yesterday one of your accusations (hard to keep up. Today I think I am a drunk illiterate) was that I needed to see a psychiatrist or such. Really though, for an octogenarian, living in comfortable retirement on a paradise island - and moreover, one with real and local problems like yourself - you do seem a bit .........troubled. I mean, do you really feel so strongly about the Libyan matter that you want to "stick a bayonet" up David Cameron's arse? :shock:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:20 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:LR:
Having said that, you've put a spin on Gadaffi which more suits your agenda than the man or his demise.

So explain what happened as you see it! :?:

Whilst it can be argued that - as UK Foreign Secretary - Cameron is part of the Ukraine story that doesn't apply to Gaddafi.

I have to say - the amount of hatred you display for some world events, outside our control and (touch wood) which leaves us largely unaffected, seems extraordinary. I think yesterday one of your accusations (hard to keep up. Today I think I am a drunk illiterate) was that I needed to see a psychiatrist or such. Really though, for an octogenarian, living in comfortable retirement on a paradise island - and moreover, one with real and local problems like yourself - you do seem a bit .........troubled. I mean, do you really feel so strongly about the Libyan matter that you want to "stick a bayonet" up David Cameron's arse? :shock:

The question I asked was ...... "So explain what happened as you see it!"

So instead of trying to psychoanalyse me or give your opinion on my lifestyle ....... why don't you just answer the f*****g question? :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:20 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:LR:
Having said that, you've put a spin on Gadaffi which more suits your agenda than the man or his demise.

So explain what happened as you see it! :?:

Whilst it can be argued that - as UK Foreign Secretary - Cameron is part of the Ukraine story that doesn't apply to Gaddafi.

I have to say - the amount of hatred you display for some world events, outside our control and (touch wood) which leaves us largely unaffected, seems extraordinary. I think yesterday one of your accusations (hard to keep up. Today I think I am a drunk illiterate) was that I needed to see a psychiatrist or such. Really though, for an octogenarian, living in comfortable retirement on a paradise island - and moreover, one with real and local problems like yourself - you do seem a bit .........troubled. I mean, do you really feel so strongly about the Libyan matter that you want to "stick a bayonet" up David Cameron's arse? :shock:

The question I asked was ...... "So explain what happened as you see it!"

So instead of trying to psychoanalyse me or give your opinion on my lifestyle ....... why don't you just answer the f*****g question? :roll:

Calm down. Or, you will end up having yet another sleepless night. Frantically pondering how you can spitefully, vindictively "get back". Although, you must be running out of options I would think. Certainly I don't recall anybody around that lunch table who would likely die in a ditch to support your internet squabbles.

As far as "answer the fucking question" goes. Who do you think you are, the Gestapo?

Again, it was your good self that made a nasty, entirely inappropriate slur recently about my aparently needing psychiatric help. The reality is, you are more a candidate, as demonstrated by your regular hate-filled posts. Evinced this evening by the David Cameron effort.

You Sir are a bully-boy, used to "shooting people down" but it aint working. :wink:

You spuriously introduced Gadaffi into this thread, which of course is about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Gadaffi has nothing to do with the issue. There are cross consequences with events in Gaza, so it's reasonable things will wander in that direction now and then. What happened in Libya 10+ years ago though is totally irrelevant to the thread subject.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:24 am

In the news today. Moldovan ethnic Russian Separatists to ask Putin to annex their territory.

I wonder how long before there are “incidents”? At which point they will obviously need rescuing from the Fascist Moldovan government.

Well, it’s an old, well-tried tactic, which worked for AH and seems to have been successful in Ukraine.

Then, perhaps time to think about moving on, to the “rescue” of the Russian minorities in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia? Not forgetting the 90,000+ persecuted in Finland.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:37 pm

Londonrake wrote:In the news today. Moldovan ethnic Russian Separatists to ask Putin to annex their territory.

I wonder how long before there are “incidents”? At which point they will obviously need rescuing from the Fascist Moldovan government.

Well, it’s an old, well-tried tactic, which worked for AH and seems to have been successful in Ukraine.

Then, perhaps time to think about moving on, to the “rescue” of the Russian minorities in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia? Not forgetting the 90,000+ persecuted in Finland.

I thought you said this thread was about Ukraine or does that limitation not apply to you? :roll:

In reply: I believe Transnistria had a referendum some years ago, declared a UDI and the region has had a Russian military presence there since 1994. :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Mon Feb 26, 2024 1:15 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:In the news today. Moldovan ethnic Russian Separatists to ask Putin to annex their territory.

I wonder how long before there are “incidents”? At which point they will obviously need rescuing from the Fascist Moldovan government.

Well, it’s an old, well-tried tactic, which worked for AH and seems to have been successful in Ukraine.

Then, perhaps time to think about moving on, to the “rescue” of the Russian minorities in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia? Not forgetting the 90,000+ persecuted in Finland.

I thought you said this thread was about Ukraine or does that limitation not apply to you? :roll:

In reply: I believe Transnistria had a referendum some years ago, declared a UDI and the region has had a Russian military presence there since 1994. :roll:

I think any further expansion - potential or de facto planned - of Putin’s annexations of East European/Baltic Russian enclaves under the usual “save them from persecution” guise has a modicum of connection to the current war in Ukraine. Don’t you? :? But of course, the enclave just provides a foothold. Next, when the Fascist threat level rises, strong action has to be taken to “de-Nazify” the rest of the country.

What has absolutely no connection at all are events in Libya over a decade ago.

Apart from a couple of Russian mini-puppet states Transnistria is internationally recognised - most notably by the UN (you know, the organisation being authoritatively quoted by you re-Gaza lately) as part of Moldova.

One wonders where the UDI thing ends? If a majority of the 300,000 ethic Pakistanis living in London voted to secede and for annexation with Pakistan would that be OK? Or, more topically, if the population of the “TRNC” voted for formal annexation with Turkey? Having illegitimate referendums is a licence for any regime to carve itself out chunks of other nations.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:17 pm

2.5 years in jail. For the “crime” of denouncing the war in Ukraine. ... %20Ukraine.

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:39 pm

Londonrake wrote:2.5 years in jail. For the “crime” of denouncing the war in Ukraine. ... %20Ukraine.


So explain how you feel it is OK to lock up Julian Assange for far longer than that, in a harsh high security prison when he has not committed ANY crimes in the UK? The UK are holding him so he can be illegally deported back to the US for 'denouncing the US for war crimes' which is a political crime. That is what makes his 'deportation' illegal!

The UK and the US do what they always do ...... re-write the rule book so that the law doesn't apply to them.

Assange is being sent back to serve a death penalty for doing far less than ORLOV got just 2.5 years for. :roll:
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