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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:47 pm

Lordo wrote:The west has gone back to the domino theory that justified the attack on Vietnam. They are now using Ukraine for the same purpose. Once a few more million is killed they may just pull out.

The "West" weren't involved in the Vietnam war. Whatever your views, it wasn't really a case of Vietnam being attacked. You need to study your subject material more. I don't know how many times I've said that? You are a poor student. :(

All of the dead, wounded, the millions having had their homes destroyed and being refugeed in Ukraine have been down to one single human being: Vladimir Putin.

The West can't "pull out" as they're not actually in.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:58 am

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote: can see there is an opposition to Putin's rule

That's very interesting RW. As are most of your YouTubes.

I'm curious though. Do you actually have an opinion on any of them? One which you would be willing to defend against challengers? :? is what it is, London. Clearly i am not obsessed with "winning", but i am interested in keeping 'us' apprised of things which keep the conversation focused rationally. Indeed my opinion is quite obvious if you are willing to consider what i don't post as well. In any case, i'm here to learn what others think, i can only share what i know.

And what opinion should i have, by good fortune living in a country freer than most, on a planet that has become so small that we reckon with each other instantaneously torn as i am a Cypriot in effect who seeks to end "This". The Problem is my problem, i see it everywhere; i don't forget (Lest we Forget). Thanks to the internet i can express this thinking, fearing its corruption by dogmas which question the Universal Principles such words represent, clearly defying "Their" interests, defining our Human Condition as equals having the same needs.

...use your imagination, i am painting a picture if you will from the issue's evolutionary incidences, and it shouldn't be hard to find in it some expression that you (or "You") may learn from. Quite frankly, i am happy with that; i take care not to be personally responsible for escalating hostility or despair.

My heart is with the Russian People, let there be no doubt about that; i also wish Putin well (despite him being an alleged War Criminal) because with a small change in intentions he may not only end this conflict but save (himself) this World from its own Ignorance of fighting one another.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Mar 03, 2024 4:56 am

Kikapu wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote: can see there is an opposition to Putin's rule

Does that then not mean there is a Democracy in Russia by definition, Warrior? :wink:

Where is the opposition in Ukraine? :shock:

Oh, wait a minute, there isn’t one as there are no elections being held! :roll:

Indeed the opposition in Russia is dead, allegedly of natural causes; and who among the opposition survives alive?

...that is the question which will define Democracy's existence in Russia in the coming years.

As for your second point, you are mistaken, despite their differences as Ukrainians, they remain united fighting for their lives quite literally, as well as their existence as a People and as a State. The question of elections is mute, no one under these extraordinary circumstances in Ukraine expects them either.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:24 am

...more on "Russian" elections.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:49 am

...and more on these elections.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Mon Mar 04, 2024 8:24 pm

Sorry. Trying to catch up here. I'm not generally a daily visitor.

Robin Hood wrote:So explain how you feel it is OK to lock up Julian Assange for far longer than that, in a harsh high security prison when he has not committed ANY crimes in the UK? The UK are holding him so he can be illegally deported back to the US for 'denouncing the US for war crimes' which is a political crime. That is what makes his 'deportation' illegal!

The UK and the US do what they always do ...... re-write the rule book so that the law doesn't apply to them.

Assange is being sent back to serve a death penalty for doing far less than ORLOV got just 2.5 years for. :roll:

I'm fed up with Assange being brandished as a supposed example of hypocrisy. He isn't. WRT the thread "Ukraine Issue" it's just another case of...................................... :D :wink: Let me spare you all that obfuscation. A total non sequitur.

I'm not going to look all this stuff up again, because it really has no relevance to the Ukraine issue (there's a clue). Clearly though, Navalny and Orlov's experiences do. Directly.

So, this is a case of IIRC.

After the Wikileaks Manning/Assange affair the latter, residing in the UK, was indicted for sexual offences, answerable to the Swedish authorities. I read up on the man once and his co-workers experiences of him and at the time thought there was quite likely a credible case for their being factual witness/victim accounts. His subsequent actions seemed to reinforce that view. His stated opinion that he feared being extradited from Sweden to the US has little credibility. The country's famous on this planet for giving asylum to those who feel politically persecuted - from wherever. It seems to me, he simply didn't want to face the music.

He appeared in court and was bailed for a significant amount of money. That, donated by his many "friends". The like of Vanessa Redgrave/Pamela Anderson/Lady Ga Ga and many others - the latter two keen I thought for the valuable PR shots. He jumped bail and self incarcerated in the Knightsbridge Ecuadorian embassy. For something like 7 years. I've wondered how his "friends" who lost 100k felt about that. Ultimately, the Ecudaorians seem to have gotten fed up with not only his using their balcony as some sort of lecturn but pretty distasteful personal habits. When he was thrown out he was arrested and - as you point out - is now a resident at HMP Belmarsh. Sorry but I don't really equate that to the Siberian Hell-hole Navalny died in. Orlov's "crime" was criticising the war. Something we all take daily for granted in our Western liberal democracies. The comparison between Assange's efforts and his supposed misdemeanour escapes me.

Assange's crime - aside from the sexual aspects - was making public US state secrets. In the US that of course is illegal. So, comparisons between Assange and Navalny/Orlov are - being polite - disengenuous. His fate is a matter of high level legal proceedings and has yet to be decided. "Death sentence" ? Really? :lol: Bradley - sorry "Chelsea" Manning was pardoned by Obama and is no doubt happily leading his/her/whatever new life as a trans-something. Good luck to the........

Putin - true to form - is, despite there being absolutely no doubt of the imminent "election" result - having anybody who presents as a potential focus for people expressing opposition sentiments - either killed, incarcerated or banned from standing in the election. The more credible you are the more dire your fate.

What really - really (honestly) interests me is - why you find him such an admirable personality? Is your hatred of the West that bitter? :? Come on - compared to 90+% of the planet you've had it in roses. Millions in Mother Russia - for instance - are still shitting in holes in the ground out in garden sheds.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Mar 05, 2024 11:55 am

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote: Does that then not mean there is a Democracy in Russia by definition, Warrior? :wink:

Where is the opposition in Ukraine? :shock:

Oh, wait a minute, there isn’t one as there are no elections being held! :roll:

That's an unreasonable comparison.

In response to your first question, do you think there is? :?

There was an election in Ukraine March 2019. 39 candidates, None received a majority, so there was a run-off between the top two. Zelenesky, a TV personality, won over his rival Poroshenko, the previous President. FWIW the far right (add a few picures of idiots in uniforms and Nazi flags, much of which has been made of in Russia and here - the Ukrainian "Nazis") received an abysmal total of votes. Can't find the figure now but think it was something like 2%. All contenders in the 2019 election are alive, free and well.

Since Feb 2022 Ukraine has been fighting for its survival as a sovereign nation and although another national election would normally be due at the end of this month - as in most countries - when the state is under maritial law the rule is usually suspended (Example - UK 1939 - 45).

Do you truly believe that Russia is a democracy? Putin has been in power for almost 25 years. Mostly as President but he pretended to respect the 4 year Constitution rule becoming the lesser Prime Minister for a few years whilst his Puppet Medvedev took the role as President. Since, he has changed the Constitution to allow him to be, effectively, in power for life. What price your "Does that not mean there is a democracy in Russia by definition?"

With total control over all State organs, including every aspect of the population's media, Putin has always been assured of a significant majority in any "election". Nevertheless, anybody at all who's shown not only the potential to be a political rival but even some who could act as a focus for anti-Putin protest (much of which can - as ordinary folk like you and I - result in significant porridge time) has been "dealt with".

And yet, Putin, with absolute control of his country for decades, invading neighbours and annexing the territory of other countries, is a democrat? Whilst Zelenesky, is leader of a country of Nazis? :eyecrazy:

The Russian people give him an 83% approval rating after 23 years in the driving seat, so he must be doing something right? The Russian people continually re-elect him based on his performance, so why get rid of a President that is good at his job? If you do that you end up with a Biden, Johnson, Sunak, Macron etc etc.

The Western Alliance would be delighted to see the back of him! They could then put in his place another Yeltzin ........ do you really think the Russians are that stupid? :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Mar 05, 2024 12:07 pm

Londonrake wrote:What really - really (honestly) interests me is - why you find him such an admirable personality? Is your hatred of the West that bitter? :? Come on - compared to 90+% of the planet you've had it in roses. Millions in Mother Russia - for instance - are still shitting in holes in the ground out in garden sheds.

I stand with the ordinary Russian people who give their President a high approval rating of 83% …… as opposed to Biden’s 37% rating and Sunak’s 20%. You perception of The Russian Federation seems to be stuck in the period when it was known as the USSR and under different management.

In case you haven’t noticed, that all changed in 1991 and Yeltzin took over as President. Yeltzin realized Russia was now being looted by Western capitalists and handed the reins to Putin in 1999. He recognized his ‘Management’ potential !

Putin has been a strong leader and responsible for Russia’s resurgence as a global power and for the enormous improvement in the living standards of the average Russian. He has a strong character and the country is disciplined, more so than most Western countries. That means the majority benefit because the Government has less tolerance for all the factions that have wrecked countries like the UK. ( Being ex-military surely you are aware that to regulate or control a large group of people requires discipline.)

Health care is free, although standards are a bit ‘iffy’ outside the major towns and cities. Education is free, including, kindergarten and children get free school meals. University education is free with restrictions but the standard is high and Russia turns out first class scientists and engineers.

So not quite the ‘shit-hole’ you claim it to be! Nor is Putin the tyrant you paint him to be! But all those years wearing head phones not only damaged your hearing it has obviously cluttered your brain with propaganda! :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Tue Mar 05, 2024 6:12 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:What really - really (honestly) interests me is - why you find him such an admirable personality? Is your hatred of the West that bitter? :? Come on - compared to 90+% of the planet you've had it in roses. Millions in Mother Russia - for instance - are still shitting in holes in the ground out in garden sheds.

I stand with the ordinary Russian people who give their President a high approval rating of 83% …… as opposed to Biden’s 37% rating and Sunak’s 20%. You perception of The Russian Federation seems to be stuck in the period when it was known as the USSR and under different management.

I've nowt against ordinary Russians. It's their Dictator I have a problem with. That's it in a nutshell really. It's all down to a single human being with absolute power.

What does "83%" add up to anyway? Kim Jong un's is 100%. Xi Jinpings 87%. They're Dictators. It's meaningless because there's nobody to measure them against. They don't broach any opposition. Biden's and Sunak's are a more realistic appraisal of their domestic positions and - although given that a week's a long time in politics - it looks like both could suffer an ignominious retirement this year. Vladimir Putin won't though.

In case you haven’t noticed, that all changed in 1991 and Yeltzin took over as President. Yeltzin realized Russia was now being looted by Western capitalists and handed the reins to Putin in 1999. He recognized his ‘Management’ potential !

Since Yeltsin took over - and certainly under Putin - Russia has been asset stripped by an elite group of, now multi-billionaire, Oligarchs. All loyal to Putin, knowing they will otherwise go the way of Berezovsky. Yeltsin was widely unpopular - not to mention a famous drunk (bit like me in here it seems :roll: ) so quit whilst he was still ahead. Obviously taking with him a quiet and comfortable retirement deal. Despite a supposed constitutional limit of 2 Presidential terms Putin has remained in power for almost 25 years since.

Putin has been a strong leader and responsible for Russia’s resurgence as a global power and for the enormous improvement in the living standards of the average Russian. He has a strong character and the country is disciplined, more so than most Western countries. That means the majority benefit because the Government has less tolerance for all the factions that have wrecked countries like the UK. ( Being ex-military surely you are aware that to regulate or control a large group of people requires discipline.)

Yes - funny how virtually all Dictators share the characteristic of being "strong leaders" - ehh? Another being their intolerance for anybody who doesn't conform. A.K.A. "discipline". You surprise me there. Being such a longterm practitioner with strong feelings about freedom of speech I thought that aspect of a dictatorship would present a problem to you. Like your complaints about the ROC becoming a "Police State". Sounds a bit hypocritical TBH.

Whilst the Russian economy is buoyant at present, due to shifting 6-8% of GDP to war materials (as it did in Germany during the 30s and the US early 70s) that won't last. The clock's ticking to when the era of improving living standards will tank (pun). It's been a balancing act but now the inevitable choice between guns or butter has been made. Moreover, hundreds of thousands of young men have been taken out of the Russian economy and I think you'll find quite a lot of the engineering/scientist types you refer to saw what was coming and have taken their leave.

Health care is free, although standards are a bit ‘iffy’ outside the major towns and cities. Education is free, including, kindergarten and children get free school meals. University education is free with restrictions but the standard is high and Russia turns out first class scientists and engineers.

What you describe is metro-centric and even there not the Utopia you're suggesting. Outside the main urban areas, Moscow/St Petersburgh, etc you very quickly find yourself basically in a feudal environment. Where............

So not quite the ‘shit-hole’ you claim it to be! Nor is Putin the tyrant you paint him to be! But all those years wearing head phones not only damaged your hearing it has obviously cluttered your brain with propaganda! :roll:

Where did I say it was a "shit hole". :? But outside of the above cities and large population centers the level of sanitation's downright primitive for tens of millions of Russians. That, whilst the country is spending hundreds of billions on vanity weapon programs. If you're not convinced - with all that's happened over the years - of the ruthlessness of Vladimir Putin then I guess you never will be. You sound reminiscent of GR's idolisation of the man TBH. ... say-a65049

Everything anybody says to you that's counter to your views you have always labelled "propaganda". Not forgetting the entirety of the whole spectrum of Western MSM (well, except the bits you approve of). That, from somebody who's always faithfully parroted absolutely everything that's come out of Moscow/Tehran/Bejing verbatim.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:12 pm

From the ICC. Piously quoted as a moral authority in the Gaza thread. Just to add to the one Putin has already collected:

ICC issues arrest warrants for top Russian commanders

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