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Postby kerravon » Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:48 am

Viewpoint wrote:I think under a BBF solution where the 2 communities where we administer ourselves and are able to live in either the north or the south state with political equality I think TCs would be comfortable waving the Turkish Army goodbye for NATO soldiers.

Can you explain in more detail?

What is BBF?

You want to be able to live in either the north or south? So that applies to GC as well? So you're willing to let the GC migrate to the north in whatever numbers they want?

What sort of political equality do you want? Southern Cyprus already has political equality. There are no racist laws.

So tell me what you want exactly, and when in the political process you want the NATO troops to come. And do you think the GC will accept it?
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:22 am

BBF stands for Bi-zonal Bi-communal Federation, where there are 2 states north and south which have 1 identity a United Cyprus at a federal level.
The UN brokered Annan plan was based on this principle.

Yes freedom of movement is something which we have to concede as more GCs would want to move north than TCs moving south but GCs say we have nothing to worry as there will not be a flood of GCs to the north and we will not be swamped reducing us to a minority in our own state, imo we should agree an upper limit which if GCs are right will never be reached leaving this open ended will make TCs very uncomfortable as they do not trust GCs at this early stage.

Political balance in the sense that although the representation maybe proportional we have veto rights where decisions will effect the north state negatively and vice verse.

Nato Troops may arrive and oversee the process of Turkish Troops leaving as the GC feel that Turkey will never adhere to a comprehensive solution even if she sign it, so in order to alleviate this concern I would allow them to arrive once an agreement has been reached.
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Postby Strahd » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:26 am

kerravon wrote:It sure is. The same way as if I go back to my ancestral home in the UK.

You are the worst kind of idiot I have seen in my life. Did you leave your home because you wanted (or needed to) ? I guess so because I cannot remember in the history of UK any time when an invading army rushed into English people homes and forced them to "immigrate" or die... This is called ethnic cleansing and its context is the same as the things Hitler did for the Jews, Milosevic did in Kosovo and the Turks have done numerous times for the Kurds, Pontians, Armenians and Greeks, the Americans for the native Americans etc. Now since you declare all the above for yourself how can you be happy with accepting what Turkey has brought to the Republic of Cyprus? You did not accept what Saddam did to Kuweit did you?
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Postby Sotos » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:27 am

What is BBF?

:lol: Can you believe this guy? He doesn't know anything about Cyprus and he is proposing solutions and he thinks he is right also! This guy doesn't even know what the problem of the Cyprus Problem is!!
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Postby kerravon » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:27 am

Viewpoint wrote:BBF stands for Bi-zonal Bi-communal Federation, where there are 2 states north and south which have 1 identity a United Cyprus at a federal level.
The UN brokered Annan plan was based on this principle.

Yes freedom of movement is something which we have to concede as more GCs would want to move north than TCs moving south but GCs say we have nothing to worry as there will not be a flood of GCs to the north and we will not be swamped reducing us to a minority in our own state, imo we should agree an upper limit which if GCs are right will never be reached leaving this open ended will make TCs very uncomfortable as they do not trust GCs at this early stage.

Political balance in the sense that although the representation maybe proportional we have veto rights where decisions will effect the north state negatively and vice verse.

Nato Troops may arrive and oversee the process of Turkish Troops leaving as the GC feel that Turkey will never adhere to a comprehensive solution even if she sign it, so in order to alleviate this concern I would allow them to arrive once an agreement has been reached.

Everything you said sounds reasonable to me. What's the problem? Can't we get 51% of GC and TC to agree to this?
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Postby Strahd » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:28 am

Viewpoint wrote:reducing us to a minority in our own state

Do not worry, Turkey has done this for you already... Turkish Cypriots are a minority in the TRNC and this time not a minority in a Cypriot population but a minority in foreign poppulation...
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Postby kerravon » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:37 am

Strahd wrote:
kerravon wrote:It sure is. The same way as if I go back to my ancestral home in the UK.

You are the worst kind of idiot I have seen in my life. Did you leave your home because you wanted (or needed to) ? I guess so because I cannot remember in the history of UK any time when an invading army rushed into English people homes and forced them to "immigrate" or die... This is called ethnic cleansing and its context is the same as the things Hitler did for the Jews, Milosevic did in Kosovo and the Turks have done numerous times for the Kurds, Pontians, Armenians and Greeks, the Americans for the native Americans etc. Now since you declare all the above for yourself how can you be happy with accepting what Turkey has brought to the Republic of Cyprus? You did not accept what Saddam did to Kuweit did you?

I never said I agreed to the ethnic cleansing of GC. But it has already happened. I didn't agree to the Greek coup either. But it has already happened too. I'm telling you how to go forward from where you are now. You aren't offering a solution. You're only offering conquest of TC. It ain't gonna happen. It's not technically possible to get past the Turkish military, which is there at the request of the TC. You either need to get a bigger military than Turkey to come in on your side, or you need to negotiate a political solution with the TC. And the TC have no interest at being on the end of a genocide by the GC as revenge for ethnic cleansing. Or any other revenge that the GC may choose to implement once they seize Northern Cyprus by weight of numbers. It ain't gonna happen.
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Postby kerravon » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:40 am

Sotos wrote:
What is BBF?

:lol: Can you believe this guy? He doesn't know anything about Cyprus and he is proposing solutions and he thinks he is right also! This guy doesn't even know what the problem of the Cyprus Problem is!!

Not knowing what BBF is is a minor problem. Imagining that anyone who disagrees with you is a Turk is a major psychological problem that more than one person on this board appears to have.
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Postby kerravon » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:42 am

Strahd wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:reducing us to a minority in our own state

Do not worry, Turkey has done this for you already... Turkish Cypriots are a minority in the TRNC and this time not a minority in a Cypriot population but a minority in foreign poppulation...

They don't fear Turkish troops. They know that the Turks are protecting them. Until you take measures to convince the TC that the GC are going to protect the TC with equal vigour that the Turks do, you're not going to get anywhere.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:54 am

Kerravon , I did post before what I think of your scatological based solution. Not only do you know nothing of the Cyprus situation you have the audacity to propose a solution that will exclude what you stupidly refer to the migration of the displaced Cypriots back to their own ancestral home. You do not realise that in Cyprus all Cypriots have a god given right to live in any part of their birth country that they choose. A solution that is not based on the recognition of one people and one people only , the Cypriots , will be doomed to fail.
You mentioned earlier that your ancestral home is England. Please tell us where your parents ancestral homes were ?? I have a feeling it was'nt Cyprus but it was pretty close.
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