Get Real! wrote:Reminder to all that this thread is about...
Kurdish Republic of Eastern Turkey
No! The point was that, you, with no absolute proof what so ever, were trying to be smart by trying to justify the existence of "Kurdistan" by juxtaposing the rights of the Kurds with the rights of the GC's, through the argument that they were both the "indigenous people" of their current locations and there fore they should have a natural right to the land, and i have just explained to you why that is not possible!
Thats why it is in the RIGHT thread!

First time when i read your argument i actually blew in laughter covering my monitor in saliva, thats how much of a ridiculous comparison it was, not only the comparison but also the fact that you have taken your sweet time to actually prepare such crap, and judging by your insults towards me i can assume that you have started to see it yourself as well