But the general public is able to distinguish fiction from reality.
Are you sure of that? So, let’s start with a few facts:
• The government in Ukraine is illegal ....... as it was installed as the result of a coup d’etat which is contrary to international law and the UN charter.
• The coup d’etat was planned, supported and instigated by a foreign power, the USA, again contrary to international law and the UN Charter.
• Victoria Nuland (Kerrys woman in Ukraine) was recorded in a telephone conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt discussing which Kiev government jobs should go to which people. (This was the’ f**k the EU’ conversation) Maybe coincidence but these people got those jobs just weeks later.
• Nuland also has said that the US has spent $5bn over ten years supporting these revolutionary parties through NGO’s.
• Kerry clearly stated on camera that the US has evidence that Russia is involved and is fermenting unrest in Ukraine, unfortunately, like most of his assertions no evidence is ever presented.
• The original protest got concessions from the elected President, Yanukovitch whichamong other concessions returned to the 2004 constitution and greatly limited the Presidents power. At that point there had been little serious violence.
• These concessions were rejected by the leading proponents of the violence, Svoboda and Right Sector, and it is a very high probability that the snipers that killed around 100 people to escalate violence in the Maidan, including killing police, were under the direction of politicians from these parties.
• Both Svoboda and Right Sector are associated with the Nazi Party ideology and other fascist ideologies and it is militants from these organisations that are doing the killing in Eastern Ukraine with the full support of the US. The regular Ukraine forces have in the main laid down their arms and refused to kill Ukrainians.
• When the violence started in February Obama warned Yanukovitch that the US would not tolerate him using the police or military to curb the violence. Different story that they now have their man in the Presidents chair!
• Once installed the US and the EU immediately recognised this illegal regime and within hour’s were negotiating an EU sponsored ‘rescue’ for their economy ....... with the usual austerity conditions of course.
• Russia did not invade Crimea ... they were already there and legally. They had 16000 troops as opposed to 25000 they were allowed by treaty. They flew in more which is why they took the airfield. Within days these ‘Special Forces’ had returned to Russia.
• Russia did not organise the Crimea referendum, it was the elected local government of an autonomous Crimea that set it up and it was as a result of the overwhelming support for separation from Ukraine that led to Crimea requesting for annexation by Russia.
• Russia DID go beyond the limits of the Treaty by leaving their bases and preventing the Ukraine army from doing exactly what they are doing now and by keeping them confined to barracks, no lives were lost and no property damaged or destroyed.
• Under the UN Charter all people have the right to self determination and do not need the approval of the US to exercise that right.
• The people in Eastern Ukraine are not asking for annexation to Russia but the right to decide to be an autonomous state within a Federal Ukraine. (Just like the US operates)
There is no American Empire.
Not yet .... but give them time they are working on it!
The "empire" they (US) have created was purely from influence. For example, the music and entertainment industry which you have made yourself a subject to for starters. Then it's trade and commerce.
Be realistic ......... the Empire they have created has been through threats, regime change and interference in every other countries affairs using their vast military superiority as the back-up weapon. Then their banks, commerce and corporations move in and exploit the country for the benefit of the US. You are either with us or against us ........ being the motto! If you are for us then no problem we will give you money and weapons .......... if you oppose us we will blow your asses back to the stone age!
One thing is for sure, they will not be on the decline any time soon and there is no power to keep hold of, at least not in the invade and conquer sense. They pretty much got it all covered for now. The big powers today prefer to explore new economic markets and everything is conquered from the board rooms of New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Berlin.
The BRICS group, Iran and others, are breaking away from the mighty dollar and dealing in other national currencies........ this will collapse the dollar eventually. The US learned after Vietnam not to conquer and occupy a nation using their own forces, they now form coalitions with their NATO partners (
puppets) to create a proxy war and then put their own SOB in the Presidency. As they have in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine. You can see the peace that the residents of those same countries get from the US's humanitarian interventions!
Contrary to your confident statement that ” ......
the general public is able to distinguish fiction from reality” I would suggest that exactly the opposite is true. 90+% of the general public believe what they see on TV or in the News sheets, they do not have either the capability nor the interest to seek alternative sources of information and work anything out for themselves.
BTW: The decoys you claim were released by the Ukraine Air Force jet have been determined as most likely to have been from the aircrafts fixed weapons ..... maybe 30mm cannon explosive rounds. What you see is the almost simultaneous firing of guns to the front of the aircraft, you release flares to the side/rear as it is from the rear that heat seeking missiles attack as they home in on the exhaust ..... not the front. Also, flares do not blown peoples legs off!
The CCTV camera shows the flames from the explosion going from the wooded area (R to L) into the front of the building. Going by all the tyres around there was obviously a barricade there but the victims were all civilian and predominantly female. This is a war crime and I believe the name/rank/serial number of the pilot is already known apparently.