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Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:33 pm

Oh don't be silly. I have known many Iranians and ALL of them have said that The Shah was always better and Iran then was quite forward thinking and very progressive. There were no executions on the streets and people can live reasonably free lives.

It even had a batch of American F-14 Tomcats, the second country to have these after the USA. They were getting billions in aid but they could stand on their feet and were building huge industries and the country was getting rich and strong and had nothing to fear from anyone.

Women could wear bikinis, listen to the Beatles and smoke marijuana and have lots of public sex on the beaches rather than be buried at the waste and stoned to death. Doesn't that sound a far better Iran than the one ruled by The Mullahs?

So just be a good boy and tell the Ayatollah to hand the keys over so we can make Iran Great again. Let's put a new Sheriff in that town.

Yes indeed, it looks like Iranians are longing for the Shah.
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:38 pm


As I said ..... the Iranians are deeply religious; a proud, educated and cultured people: the people were opposed to his Westernisation of their culture; many Iranians saw him as a US puppet; saw their prosperity diminish as the Shah spent billions on US weaponry and other extravagances! So the very things you advocate in your ignorance are exactly what caused the Iranian revolution in the first place.

The mass of the Iranians will support the Government but that does not mean they would not like to see some changes, just like those in the Us and Europe (where they also have riots :roll: )....... but anything led by the US/UK or Western allies, you can forget. Whatever they think about the Mullahs, believe me they would prefer them to what the West has on the menu for them. They have had samples of US benevolence and the American dream before and look what happened!

The people you claim to have spoken to and got their views, are those that benefitted from the Shah’s regime and who fled for their lives to the US and Europe when the revolution started, and took an awful lot of Iran’s wealth with them.

So, once again try a bit of reading before you make stupid observations. I have an advantage over you .......... I lived and worked there post revolution (1990-1995) and it was nowhere near as bad as I had been led to believe by the MSM. Basic maybe, chaotic driving, certainly and outside the cities a poorer rural population. But we never felt and never were threatened in any way, but we complied with their customs and laws ........ so, as someone who only abides by the rules he wants to, you would find life in Iran immensely difficult. A much safer and a more pleasant country than Saudi Arabia.

Background and causes of the Iranian Revolution

The Iranian Revolution was a populist, nationalist and Shi'a Islamic revolution that replaced a dictatorial monarchy with a theocracy based on "Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists" (or velayat-e faqih).

Its causes – why the last Shah of Iran (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi) was overthrown and why he was replaced by an Islamic Republic – are the subject of historical debate. The revolution was in part a conservative backlash against the westernization, modernization and secularization efforts of the Western-backed Shah, and a more popular reaction to social injustice and other shortcomings of the ancien régime. The Shah was perceived by many Iranians as beholden to – if not a puppet of – non-Muslim Western powers (in particular the United States) whose culture was contaminating that of Iran. The Shah's regime was seen as oppressive, brutal, corrupt and extravagant; it also suffered from basic functional failures, like overly ambitious economic programs that brought economic bottlenecks, shortages and inflation.
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby miltiades » Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:49 pm

It was my intention to not enter political debates concerning any nation in the M.E, . I must admitt that I have not the slightest inclination to either support or not any nation whose focus is on a dark ages religious mythology.
Iran is such a nation, so is Saudu Arabia and all other theocratic nations . Frankly I dont give a toss whether these nations are ruled by one dictator or another. To my eyes any nation that carries out public executions, prohibits women from driving, having bank accounts, showing their faces or a bit of leg isnt worth my tiniest amount of respect.
Let their prophet sort it out for them, West STAY OUT.
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:28 pm

miltiades wrote:It was my intention to not enter political debates concerning any nation in the M.E, . I must admitt that I have not the slightest inclination to either support or not any nation whose focus is on a dark ages religious mythology.
Iran is such a nation, so is Saudu Arabia and all other theocratic nations . Frankly I dont give a toss whether these nations are ruled by one dictator or another. To my eyes any nation that carries out public executions, prohibits women from driving, having bank accounts, showing their faces or a bit of leg isnt worth my tiniest amount of respect.
Let their prophet sort it out for them, West STAY OUT.

But none of the restrictions you mention apply in Iran! Saudi, I agree they all do, but Iran was far more liberal than the media would have you believe. All nations from the US to the UK claim to believe in the Mythology of the dark ages ...... although very few practice it. In Iran they lead a very much more moral lifestyle than we do in the West ...... and it is by choice!

If religion is practised by choice I have no problem with accepting it. But I object to having any religion dictating what I can and cannot do and that did happen in Iran and even more so in Saudi. In Iran, we had the call-to-prayer on loud speakers in all the offices including mine ...... so we fitted volume controls! In Saudi, when testing the site Tannoy system, used for the call to prayer also, the technicians took a tape from one of the cars and gave the Saudis a rendition of Madonna singing 'Touched for the very first time.' ..... they were not amused!!!! :D :D :D
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 04, 2018 12:30 am

Argh you see! That just proves how little you know about Iran and it’s people.

They are not deeply religious, especially in the population centers. They are the opposite. They are not religious at all. In fact very secular at the least to almost Atheistic. They are less religious than the Turkish Cypriots are. In the country and regional areas it is different.

And nope! Try again. Iranians are not against close relations with the West. On the contrary. The secular educated progressives prefer the Shah. They prefer the F-14 Tomcats, The Beatles, Lady Gaga, Rhianna, skimpy bikinis, and public sex.

Now, the chooks are coming home to roost.

Here is a news flash for you. The West always wins I hope you know that. Every country and society on the planet wants a Western Way of life with western freedoms and rights. It’s coming to Iran as well as sooner or later we take over and Iranians will be happy and Iran will be great again.
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:37 am

Paphitis wrote:It's time to make Iran Great Again

...nice post, enjoyed it thanks.
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:40 am

Argh you see! That just proves how little you know about Iran and it’s people.

It means I have been there, actually know what in general they are all about ..... you clearly don’t.

They are not deeply religious, especially in the population centers. They are the opposite. They are not religious at all. In fact very secular at the least to almost Atheistic. They are less religious than the Turkish Cypriots are. In the country and regional areas it is different.

I would say the religion is more obvious outside places like Tehran and other major cities but they take their religious principals seriously. Unlike the west they don’t just pay lip-service at weddings, Christenings and funerals.

And nope! Try again. Iranians are not against close relations with the West. On the contrary. The secular educated progressives prefer the Shah. They prefer the F-14 Tomcats, The Beatles, Lady Gaga, Rhianna, skimpy bikinis, and public sex.

Read what the causes were for the revolution ... again! It is people with views like yours they don’t like because you spout extreme western views that mirror those of Trump.

Now, the chooks are coming home to roost.

I remember that phrase being used before? Your ‘chooks’ failed then and they will even more spectacularly this time. Iran is a much tougher nut to crack than Iraq, Libya, Syria etc but then you have never been there!.

Here is a news flash for you. The West always wins I hope you know that. Every country and society on the planet wants a Western Way of life with western freedoms and rights. It’s coming to Iran as well as sooner or later we take over and Iranians will be happy and Iran will be great again.

'YOUR' record says exactly the opposite!

Since 1945 you (The US) has won just two conflicts both of which they started and won because their victims didn’t have a nuclear deterrent or even a proper military. Grenada and Panama. Every other conflict they lost (or are still fighting) and have left behind a complete humanitarian disaster from all aspects, everywhere they poke their noses and likewise in all the other countries they continually threaten. The US, and by association the west and NATO countries in particular, have lost the respect of almost every other country on the Planet. But then I wouldn’t expect you to know that!
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:06 am

miltiades wrote:It was my intention to not enter political debates concerning any nation in the M.E, . I must admitt that I have not the slightest inclination to either support or not any nation whose focus is on a dark ages religious mythology.
Iran is such a nation, so is Saudu Arabia and all other theocratic nations . Frankly I dont give a toss whether these nations are ruled by one dictator or another. To my eyes any nation that carries out public executions, prohibits women from driving, having bank accounts, showing their faces or a bit of leg isnt worth my tiniest amount of respect.
Let their prophet sort it out for them, West STAY OUT.

The West isn’t involved but the Iranian people are screaming for help and so as Westerners we stand in solidarity with them since they are not even allowed access to social media the poor sods.

We feel sorry for people that are suffering. Therefore, should they implode (this is a possibility) we will be ready to intervene, pick up the pieces, send food, aid, money and even install a Shah like Government to help this revolution along towards liberal freedom. Then we can move towards peace in the Middle East, establish better relations and cooperation between Iran and Israel and completely dismantle Hezbollah by cutting them off.

We will help the Iranian people if we can. The West likes to help people. :D
Last edited by Paphitis on Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:08 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Paphitis wrote:It's time to make Iran Great Again

...nice post, enjoyed it thanks.

You’re welcome Repulse.

This guy provides great insight into what is happening in Iran.

Our thoughts are with the Iranian People. The West is ready for all eventualities as this revolution of the people spirals.

Maybe soon, we will be able to help them. Our Governments will be monitoring the situation.

Eventually, our Western way of life infiltrates and infests every country including Saudi Arabia which has taken the huge step of allowing women to drive.

Iran too, now taking steps to return to the ways things use to be under the Shah. Godspeed!
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:15 pm

Paphitis wrote:It's time to make Iran Great Again

What a well balanced view that video didn't provide :roll: ........he must use the same sources for his information as Paphitis does. The guy is a poof and the other one is an American with parents that fled when the Shah was driven out, so that is where he gets his views from. I doubt very much he has ever been to Iran ..... maybe his name is on an extermination list? :lol:

A bit of the REAL Iran ..................

If you want to know what Iran is like this video is far more as I remember it. Mostly filmed in Tehran I should think, you see a more westernised view there than in the villages and countryside. These have to be some of the most beautiful women on the Planet. Not only that many of them have degrees, did you know two thirds of students in Iranian Universities are female? No tuition fees to pay off when they finish, the government pays for all education, including overseas tuition and they are more-or-less guaranteed a job. They have a National Health service which even 20 years ago was good. So a life not too different to that in Iraq, Libya and Syria enjoyed ..... before you brought them 'freedom', killed hundreds of thousands and destroyed their countries. Recognise the reality of US freedom that they try to spread around the World ........... rather than the fairy stories.

They aren't all stirred up like the Americans and see the 'Death-to-America' as a bit of a joke. Is it perfect? No, but change is happening ..... and believe me they would rather have the freedoms they have than that YOU have provided to date, in other Muslim countries. Face it, the US way really has little to offer the majority and even the Americans admit that. There is no 'American Dream' anymore.

Do you see repression and brutality in this SKY documentary ..... if you want that then go to the US where the police kill on average three civilians a day including women and children!

Latest news is ..... that many of the anti-Khamanie rioters have been arrested ..... turned in by ordinary Iranian citizens, and it is all getting back to normal now after HUGE rallies in support of their government. So tell your President that the Iranian people don't need his help! :roll:
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