Paphitis wrote:It's time to make Iran Great Again
What a well balanced view that video didn't provide

........he must use the same sources for his information as Paphitis does. The guy is a poof and the other one is an American with parents that fled when the Shah was driven out, so that is where he gets his views from. I doubt very much he has ever been to Iran ..... maybe his name is on an extermination list?

A bit of the REAL Iran ..................
If you want to know what Iran is like this video is far more as I remember it. Mostly filmed in Tehran I should think, you see a more westernised view there than in the villages and countryside. These have to be some of the most beautiful women on the Planet. Not only that many of them have degrees, did you know two thirds of students in Iranian Universities are female? No tuition fees to pay off when they finish, the government pays for all education, including overseas tuition and they are more-or-less guaranteed a job. They have a National Health service which even 20 years ago was good. So a life not too different to that in Iraq, Libya and Syria enjoyed ..... before you brought them
'freedom', killed hundreds of thousands and destroyed their countries. Recognise the reality of US freedom that they try to spread around the World ........... rather than the fairy stories.
They aren't all stirred up like the Americans and see the
'Death-to-America' as a bit of a joke. Is it perfect? No, but change is happening ..... and believe me they would rather have the freedoms they have than that
YOU have provided to date, in other Muslim countries. Face it, the US way really has little to offer the majority and even the Americans admit that. There is no
'American Dream' anymore.
Do you see repression and brutality in this SKY documentary ..... if you want that then go to the US where the police kill on average three civilians a day including women and children! news is ..... that many of the anti-Khamanie rioters have been arrested ..... turned in by ordinary Iranian citizens, and it is all getting back to normal now after HUGE rallies in support of their government. So tell your President that the Iranian people don't need his help!