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Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:42 am

This is an amazing speech by Nikki Hayley on Iran as well as North Korea and Pakistan. Worthwhile listening to the entire speech because she is a trailblazer.

Some very pertinent moments as she highlights the plight of the brave Iranian People who are living under horrendous oppression.

"We applaud the tremendous courage of the Iranian People. We will amplify their message"

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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:47 am

Paphitis wrote:This is an amazing speech by Nikki Hayley on Iran as well as North Korea and Pakistan. Worthwhile listening to the entire speech because she is a trailblazer.

Some very pertinent moments as she highlights the plight of the brave Iranian People who are living under horrendous oppression.

"We applaud the tremendous courage of the Iranian People. We will amplify their message"

You really are a sucker for propaganda! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:00 pm

Riots and civil disobedience is nothing new in Iran of course.

There have been many. At no point since 1979 have Iranians been happy with The Mullahs, especially in the big towns. The young and university educated among The Mullahs critics as well as the working classes.

People want their internet, and generally speaking absolutely love the West and the Americans.

They want an open Iran and the movement towards freedom gains more and more traction.

2011/2012 protests ... Censorship

2008 protests ... n_protests

I wonder if Iranians can access Wikipedia...
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:45 pm

Wow ..... Europe not doing what the US tells them? :o What next .......... sanctions on Europe until they do as they are told? :lol: :lol:

Iran - Europe Rejects U.S. Drive To War

The reaction to the minor protests in Iran, drive another wedge between the U.S. and Europe. It exposes the belligerence of the Zionist lobby and its influence in the U.S. media and politics. The issue shows the growing divergence between genuine U.S. interests and the interests of Israel.
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:46 pm

Interesting article from the BBC.

US warns that the world is watching and that it condemns the illegal arrests of protesters and activists before it calls for an emergency session of the UN SC.

And more from Heather Nauert from the US State Department. ... t-42519054
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:41 pm

Interesting article from the BBC.

US warns that the world is watching and that it condemns the illegal arrests of protesters and activists before it calls for an emergency session of the UN SC.

Stale news .......... that article is a week old :lol: .

And more from Heather Nauert from the US State Department. ... t-42519054

That’s even older! :roll:

Do try to keep up :wink: .......... would you use a METAR that was over a week old? Hmmmmm ....maybe you would? You don’t fly DH float-planes by any chance do you? :?:

Thanks in part to the reaction of ordinary Iranians to these rioters, they remembered what happened the last time the US decided to help them with a Regime Change in Iran in1952! There followed 28 years of a brutal dictatorship by a US puppet. The Iranians are like the Cypriot’s , they have long and unforgiving memories! :x

Iran declares victory against anti-government protesters following week of unrest that left 21 dead – The Independent – 2 days ago:

Western European states have turned down a US plan to sign a joint declaration condemning the Iranian government. But Donald Trump has maintained his Twitter offensive, one of the latest instalments promising Iranian people unspecified help.
Sohrab Norouzi, a building contractor from Isfahan who wants economic reform, said: “That is the biggest worry, saying that we are being influenced by outsiders. No one in his right mind would take Trump seriously, but the principalists [conservatives] will use him to try and discredit genuine protest.

Exposed....... your source is revealed! :lol: :lol: :lol: He sings your tune in perfect harmony ..... but no one listens to him either! :lol:
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jan 05, 2018 6:01 pm

Paphitis ..... a bit off the thread but you were pushing for regime change in Iran , so this is a warning to never trust the US ...... :wink:

Do you remember Maidan Square in Kiev 2014 ..... all the brave people rising up against a Russian supported tyrant Yanukovitch? In comes the good old USA in the guise of John McCain and Victoria Nuland (F**k the EU Nuland) to give them the freedom they so desperately deserved. Same old MO they are proposing now for Iran and the same help they offered to Syria, Libya and Iraq etc. before that. I am sure you remember that? :wink:

Voila ..... this is what a US inspired, supported and funded regime change looks like just three years after the event!

Your Hero ......Trump has just approved the supply of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of lethal military aid to these people incuding tanks and missiles, to use against Donbas and Luhansk. Maybe now you can see why the Crimean's voted to be annexed by Russia and why Iran will be far better off without US help? I believe the US also made a big UNSC show at the time insisting that the world should support the Ukraine people in their valiant struggle against Russian tyranny? A good example of US supplied freedom and democracy......... and they never did get their hands on Sevastopol! :roll:

Ukraine's Future Nazi Leader? - Published: January 5, 2018

Today’s Ukraine is painfully reminiscent of Germany in the 1920s: poor governance on the heels of a lost war, which – added to the sense of betrayed hopes and the sharp decline in average incomes coupled with rising prices – is all driving a critical mass of the Ukrainian population toward an overwhelming feeling of desperation. A demand from the public for a “strong hand” – a new, authoritarian ruler – is rapidly coalescing, due to their dissatisfaction with President Poroshenko and all the other jokers they’ve been dealt from that shabby deck of political cards.

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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 06, 2018 4:38 pm

Well .... that attempt by the US to get international support and backing through the UNSC for an excuse to dump the Nuclear Deal and impose more sanctions on Iran, failed miserably, as just common sense alone predicted it would. They have been accused by many as looking for an excuse to start another war in the region with Iran as the very obvious target. I didn’t work! :lol: :lol:

Once again the only voice that was enthusiastic about the US attempt to subvert the authority of the UN was of course Israel. That says a lot for US credibility ......... the slippery slope into a diplomatic void, seems to be getting steeper! :o

US fails to get UNSC action on Iranian protests

UNITED NATIONS: The US has failed to get the UN Security Council (UNSC) to act on the Iranian protests with most members questioning if it was even the right forum to take up internal affairs of a country while expressing support for the nuclear deal with Tehran that is opposed by President Donald Trump.

Added: An interesting summary .........

With the pantomime being played out in public over Trump and events in the White House, is it any wonder that the US is becoming ever more ridiculed in international circles? It is turning out to be a game of 'Snakes-and-Ladders’. China, Russia, Iran and many others, must be laughing all the way as they climb the ladder of credibility and respect whilst the US (and the Zionist lobby) slides down the snake of disgrace. :roll:

The members of the UN are at last realizing just what bullies and clowns those representing the American people to the rest of the World, really are. Most Americans must find these goings on and consecutive rebuffs in the UNSC as nothing but humiliating. :D :roll:
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Re: Now the US sets its sights on Iran!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jan 07, 2018 5:18 pm

Slowly the truth will come out and show this as another regime change event initiated by the US and it will not be the last attempt either. Latest news is that the Iranian authorities have arrested Ahmadinejad on suspicion of being complicit in encouraging the riots …..…….. isn’t that treason? :roll:

Birth of an Insurgency: The US-Israeli “Secret Deal” to Manipulate Protests in Iran

With the Trump and Netanyahu administrations now working in lockstep, U.S.-Israeli hostility towards Iran has now ripened into a plan to repeat what befell Syria over six years ago – the hijacking of minor protests and their transformation into the cover for a foreign-funded insurgency intent on toppling Iran’s elected government.

Using the recent protests as cover, the governments of the United States and Israel are advancing a much larger plan for covert regime change against the Iranian government, one born out of the “secret deal” negotiated and signed between the two countries right before the widely covered but relatively small protests in Iran began in late December.

A couple of related point of view articles (short) ..........

US Criticized for Calling SC Meeting on Iran - by Stephen Lendman

Trump Administration Implacably Hostile Toward Iran - by Stephen Lendman
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