In the last few days the US stance on Iran and the nuclear deal has given rise to several articles in the Independent Press that are quite interesting.
It seems Trump is hell bent on attacking Iran either economically or militarily, both of which are acts of war. So it helps to get a broader view of the overall picture ..... although I have to say the MSM has not yet thrown out any accusations that Iran is in default and basically put it down to the US Government (Trump) reneging on yet another agreement.

The articles also being linked to previous events in Libya and Iraq and also could explain why North Korea is so vocal. So, before the US starts another war/invasion claiming mythical acts of aggression and terrorism by their victim, it may be worth looking at the background from the perspective of others?
Trump is Pulling a Libya on Iran - By Robert W. Merry
Muammar Qaddafi learned the hard way how the U.S. reneges on deals.
Word is out that President Trump this week will “decertify” the nuclear deal with Iran, also known as JCPOA, for Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. This is the deal struck with Tehran not only by the United States but also by France, Germany, Russia, China, the UK, and the European Union. It’s a nifty word, “decertify.” It hides the real meaning of Trump’s planned action. The correct word is “ renege .”
5 Reasons Why Trump Is Moving Towards War With Iran - By Trita Parsi
Trump’s confrontation with Iran is a war of choice, not a war of necessity.
Make no mistake: We do not have a crisis over the Iran nuclear deal. It is working and everyone from Secretary Mattis and Tillerson to the US and Israeli intelligence services to the International Atomic Energy Agency agree: Iran is adhering to the deal. But Trump is about to take a working deal and turn it into a crisis ― an international crisis that very likely can lead to war. While the decertification of the Iran deal that Trump is scheduled to announce on Friday in and of itself doesn’t collapse the deal, it does trigger a process that increases the risk of war in the following five ways.
Iran or North Korea? - By Abdel Bari Atwan
If Trump is truly intent on war, he can be expected go for the ‘easier’ option first.
Everyone in the Middle East is busy buying weapons. Barely a week goes by without some big new arms deal being announced. Last week, Saudi Arabia agreed to buy ultra-sophisticated S-400 air defence missiles from Russia, a fortnight after Turkey purchased the same systems. The US responded by offering to supply Riyadh with its own Thad missiles.
What is happening exactly? What are the US and its allies cooking up in the region? Why this rush to arm? And why now, when the jihadi groups that are supposed to be the targets of everyone’s wars in the region, such as Islamic State and the Nusra Front in Iraq and Syria, are on the verge of being defeated? Are the people of this part of the world to be denied in perpetuity any chance to breathe for a few weeks or months, and be spared the tribulations of war and bloodshed and of being financially, economically and psychologically drained?
It is war. We have no other answer. US President Donald Trump gave us the glad tidings at the weekend when hosting a dinner for senior military officers and their spouses at the White House. This was the ‘calm before the storm’, he proclaimed. He said he had discussed military options against both Iran and North Korea with his commanders, and we would all soon find out what he was planning to do.
Should the US go the military route, particularly if backed by Israel (who are the only State that so far supports the US rhetoric) I honestly cannot see China and Russia just accepting such action as they will be well aware that they will be the future targets of the US’s endless aggression.
IMO: If I were Russia/China I would advise the US that such action would result in Israel being turned into a waste land immediately as retaliation, and the same fate for selected US bases around the world. This would evoke a WWIII scenario ....... but I can’t see the US being stupid enough to start a conflict in Iran, if they were well aware of the consequences of their actions.