Get Real! wrote:One after the other, America's henchmen from around the world are clashing with Trump... today it was Pakistan's turn.
America is like Pablo Escobar who had his henchmen here and there forever meddling in one affair or the other, but like all cartels there’s a beginning and an end and the US' days as the lead pimp of the underworld seem to be coming to a close. I expect this year to be disastrous on many fronts as the crumbling criminal empire struggles to hold it together but it's a change we desperately need on this planet.
Pakistan is only going for it because Trump let the Pakis have it between the eyes when he told them that USA had sent them 33 Billion worth of aid over the years for little results.
I don't agree with Trump that there have been little results. What the USA has been achieving in Pakistan is promoting moderatism and modernism.
But his style could see Turkey on the hit-list soon, if only our politicians had the vision to understand. His Son In Law is Jewish for heaven sake, so its only a matter of time, and Cyprus should be visiting Trump and establish a dialogue with him but alas...
Australia does the same thing with Indonesia and sends Billions of Dollars and virtually runs their education system in the cities. The last thing we want to see is another Syria where all The Mullahs are running rampant chopping everyone's head off.
Trump my friend is the ducks nuts. he's the bee's knees mate. The population is warming to him and he is getting very popular because people are coming to understand that the LEFT and SJWs are just so stupid. We are seeing a great administration in America and he has improved the economy pretty much to boom levels already and his low tax policy is certainly left of field also and may deliver even more progress. And he is delivering jobs to the rust belts as American Businesses are returning to re-establish their factories in America rather than face 30% import levies.

We will see what happens. But it is clear to me that Trump is the non politician every country needs to crush globalization of our jobs and economy to the slave markets of China, Mexico and Turkey.
As for Iran. The revolution there is only just starting. These kids don't want to be killed by the Republican Guard or go to jail. But they will rise as their influence rises since the are mostly the educated uni students looking for an open and progressive Iran free from The Mullahs.
I think boys and girls that this movement is undefeated.

A link from one of my favorite international sources - Washington Post. ... ill-angry/None of that, however, means the country's anger has been soothed. The protests could be the beginning of a longer period of unrest, one that could destabilize both the country's elected government and its theocratic leaders.
“The new protests are different from any since the 1979 revolution,” noted Robin Wright in the New Yorker. “They didn’t start in Tehran, the cosmopolitan capital. The genesis was a small demonstration in Mashhad, Iran’s second-largest city and its holiest site. The city is a bastion of clerical ideologues and political hard-liners.”
Nor are the demonstrators coming from the usual elite and reformist circles. “The activists appear to be largely the working classes and the young,” Wright wrote. So far, 90 percent of the arrests are youths under 25, the deputy interior minister, Hossein Zolfaghari, announced on Tuesday.”
Can you now see the difference here. This uprising is from the bottom up, in the cities and major population centers and from the young and university students.
Might as well give up and hand the keys over right now. Much easier on everybody!