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Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

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Re: Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:12 am

It's high time the RoC converted the Hala Sultan Tekke to a church!

What a lovely sight a small church would be against the salt-lake backdrop.
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Re: Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jul 26, 2020 2:07 am don't really mean that GR: you "Turk"? Even a "Greek" knows better; there is one God, and, the way. More than that there is a Cypriot way.

...indeed we witness what he promised more than a decade ago, when he first became, President of Turkey. Indeed, it is a beginning, a "new" Turkey, where "Turkishness" is first, which the People serve. Indeed Istanbul is nearly "pure", only Muslims live there (while some do not represent "good" Muslims); so it is not yet, the Caliphate, that will come when the great mosaics are moved, (like the people,) somewhere else, a Museum perhaps nearby for the tourists to see., those of us not "Turkish" face the same threat; there is no point in "being" these people, "we" are not "them".
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Re: Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

Postby Maximus » Sun Jul 26, 2020 2:57 am

Errorgan and his grand mufti have committed haram.
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Re: Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:30 am

Get Real! wrote:It's high time the RoC converted the Hala Sultan Tekke to a church!

What a lovely sight a small church would be against the salt-lake backdrop.

And then we become just like them (Turks).

However, say that we do such a thing. The international media will climb on their high horse condemning it, from America, to Australia, EU and so forth. There will be demonstrations such as MLM (Muslim Lives Matter) and everyone will be falling over themselves to show how woke and wonderful human beings they are protecting the religious rights of Muslims.

But in regards to Agia Sophia (No more H's please), nothing. Not a word. The silence id deafening. Because Christian Lives don't matter. White Lives don't matter. Middle Aged Men's lives don't matter.

Such is the state of this world at the moment. Utter stupidity, nonsense, and irrational discourse and a whole lot of hypocrisy... :(

A tit for tat is tempting GR! And maybe they deserve it. But we are not Turks.

When we had a civilization, these turks were a bunch of monkeys jumping from one tree to the next!
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Re: Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

Postby Cap » Sun Jul 26, 2020 2:41 pm

Get Real! wrote:It's high time the RoC converted the Hala Sultan Tekke to a church!

What a lovely sight a small church would be against the salt-lake backdrop.

History will judge us if we do.
There's a reason why the T**k is vilified and despised the world over.
History keeps judging them.
There will come a time of reckoning.
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Re: Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

Postby Maximus » Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:13 pm

Believe it or not, what the Turks did has divided Muslims as well.

Some Muslim pundits with influence are saying that there is no need for a new mosque in Istanbul. The blue mosque is 4 minutes away that can accommodate more worshipers. This is not being done on a need basis.

Just because the Agia Sophia is in your jurisdiction and it is in your country and you can do what you want doesnt make it right.

Using the very same argument, Israel can convert al-aqsa back to the temple. Mosques in Europe can be converted in to churches and museums etc...

if this is your argument then you cant have a problem with this.

What these pundits are saying is that we expect the world to be tolerant to Muslims and Islam, but then we do something like this.

Those celebrating are hypocrites and short sighted.

We expect empathy, tolerance and to be accommodated but we dont show any compassion, empathy or accommodate anyone else.

We can only cry victim when it happens to us and show how bigoted we are when we have the jurisdiction and are in the majority.

Muslims are saying this...........
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Re: Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:34 am

Saint Sophia, linked to the Cyprus Problem,

If Greece and the Greek Cypriots refuse to agree on a fair allocation of Mediterranean resources, it would be reasonable to expect Turkey to take additional steps in the near future. One could indeed speculate that the Turkish government’s future steps won’t be limited to symbolic decisions, such as the reclassification of the Hagia Sophia as a mosque. ... egic-steps

...more to come, no doubt.
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Re: Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:00 am ... st-turkey/

...another anti-christ?

How cynical is that...
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Re: Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:30 am is as i said, there are "Turks" and there are Turks; Turks aren't welcome to pray, with "Turks".

Turkyilmaz said, “There [are no more Kurds in] this administration. There is not one Kurdish minister. The government-appointed people in Kurdish regions are no longer of Kurdish origin. There used to be accepted, maybe conservative Kurds who were working for the government. All those considered to be potentially in the Kurdish movement [have been] eliminated. It is politicide. Even in the region, Erdogan no longer talks to his long-time Kurdish friends.”

Read more: ... z6TjuWQd6Y

The Hagia Sophia transitioned on July 24 to a mosque with Friday prayers and sermons. The prayer was “invitation only.” The discretion to invite was given exclusively to the Turkish Religious Affairs Directorate (the Diyanet). The Diyanet decided to omit the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP). “This discrimination is against the constitution,” protested HDP members. Their pleas were ignored.
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Re: Erdogan turns Hagia Sophia in to a mosque

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:52 pm

No Muslim world leader responded to Erdoğan’s invitation for the prayer in Hagia Sophia ... ia-sophia/

...actions which speak louder than words.
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