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Re: La La Land

Postby Maximus » Thu May 09, 2024 9:04 pm

If Biden gets re-elected, I will eat my shoe and I bet that if Trump gets elected, he will put an end to these conflicts that seem to be spreading to multiple regions.

The people get the leaders they deserve, all the BS in Ukraine, Syria, israel etc all started under the democrats administration and escalated again when they got re-elected.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Kikapu » Thu May 09, 2024 9:59 pm

Maximus wrote:
The people get the leaders they deserve, all the BS in Ukraine, Syria, israel etc all started under the democrats administration and escalated again when they got re-elected.

This is a very accurate statement, Max!
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu May 09, 2024 10:22 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Maximus wrote:
The people get the leaders they deserve, all the BS in Ukraine, Syria, israel etc all started under the democrats administration and escalated again when they got re-elected.

This is a very accurate statement, Max!

That is the worst statement I have ever heard coming out the boy's mouth. People do not vote for a leader. Enough people are fooled to vote for a leader who just happens to be pro-American. It is the Americans working in the background that get them elected knowing they will serve America's interests. If they do not, they will be removed and you can bet your bottom dollar the replacement will serve American interests.
This has been the way of the western world political system has worked since 1947. Elections are just gloss to make idiots think they have a choice and they live in a democracy.

We in the UK were very lucky to elect a Labour government in 1945 before the Americans took control and they were able to build a Socialist Britain and of course the rest is history. Americans did not like it none. Not that I was born then of course.

On the flight I got talking to a Bulgarian woman and she was furious how the regime who took over from the communists have sold Bulgaria to the Americans. Now they have American puppets and the mafia running the country. She was telling me if your car is stolen, no good asking the police to find it but they will help by pointing you to the mafia man in the region and they will get you your car back for a fee.

What a way to run the country.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Kikapu » Fri May 10, 2024 3:55 am

Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Maximus wrote:
The people get the leaders they deserve, all the BS in Ukraine, Syria, israel etc all started under the democrats administration and escalated again when they got re-elected.

This is a very accurate statement, Max!

That is the worst statement I have ever heard coming out the boy's mouth. People do not vote for a leader.

Well, people do deserve the leaders they vote for in principle. The fact that they do not get the leaders they voted for is another matter, even if that leader wins. :shock:

The so called Democratic system is just as corrupted as the non Democratic systems. At least in a non Democratic systems, the people know who will lead them, unlike in the so called Democratic systems due to others pulling the strings in their respective “Deep State”! :wink:
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Re: La La Land

Postby Maximus » Sat May 11, 2024 9:57 am

Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Maximus wrote:
The people get the leaders they deserve, all the BS in Ukraine, Syria, israel etc all started under the democrats administration and escalated again when they got re-elected.

This is a very accurate statement, Max!

That is the worst statement I have ever heard coming out the boy's mouth. People do not vote for a leader. Enough people are fooled to vote for a leader who just happens to be pro-American.

Bordo, you was fooled by leftist American propaganda media to be anti trump and pro Biden, like most people were. :?

Despite the fact that you can not vote for the leader of the united state, the media still managed to reach and influence you and this is indicative of how you get the leader you deserve.

Now you are complaining about the state of the world and will probably continue to support biden because you are a fool.

Trump is your only hope to put an end to these wars, the soup kitchens and the mass illegal immigration that is plaguing the west.
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Sun May 12, 2024 11:43 am

I can smell some shit over there which needs tending to, Tend to it boy.

In the meantime why can't all Americans be like Sachs. I only wish.

Now he refers to the British but he does not mean that. He is referring to the SwineCunts.

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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue May 14, 2024 11:35 am

All that effort to pass a law to say Rwanda is safe when it is not and yet it cannot apply to Northern Ireland. I mean where are those Brexshitters now to explain what they have done.
Time to dig another hole.
Rwanda scheme and Illegal Migration Act should never have applied in NI

And all along, Rwandans are leaving their country and seeking asylum elsewhere. Australia no less. This is how safe Rwanda is.
Hunters reportedly find five Rwandan men in mangroves on Saibai Island, a known crocodile habitat
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Tue May 14, 2024 1:20 pm

Fishy is trying to hide the chaos his party has created in the last 14 years and is on the attack saying life is very dangerous in the future and only he can protect us.
Never mind the chaos he has caused by increasing peoples' mortgage payment by up to 1500 pounds per month.
Never mind the deprivation of over 10 million people who visit food banks every week to survive whether they are working or not.
Never mind the NHS which is short of over 100,000 medical personnel.
Never mind the local Authorities who are running out of money and unable to provide basic services.

It seems only he can protect us from Russian invasion. Clearly he can see the Russian ships at Dover looking for a landing spot.
Never mind they have bough aircraft carriers and can't afford aircraft to put on them.
Never mind the fact that he has presided over reducing the armed forces down to 80,000 soldiers.
Never mind the last to Nuclear missiles they tested landed 10 meters away from the point at which it was fired from. Clearly only he can protect us from a threat that does not exists.

I wish the coward summoned up enough courage to call for an election. Even if economy grows by another half percent in the next quarter, what difference will it make to people who are suffering? We are still not at the level of before brexshit.
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Re: La La Land

Postby RichardB » Thu May 16, 2024 7:08 pm

Lordo wrote.

"wish the coward summoned up enough courage to call for an election. Even if economy grows by another half percent in the next quarter, what difference will it make to people who are suffering? We are still not at the level of before brexshit."

General concensous seems to be an Elections will be announced 2nd half of 2024 or by Jan 2025 at latest
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Re: La La Land

Postby Lordo » Thu May 16, 2024 9:51 pm

RichardB wrote:Lordo wrote.

"wish the coward summoned up enough courage to call for an election. Even if economy grows by another half percent in the next quarter, what difference will it make to people who are suffering? We are still not at the level of before brexshit."

General concensous seems to be an Elections will be announced 2nd half of 2024 or by Jan 2025 at latest

You never know. Some blood may rush into Fishies head and he may call for an election in July. Who knows what goes on in that tiny brain of his.
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