With Russia claiming there may be Ukrainian involvement in the attacks on Friday, Mr Hunt was asked how much the public should believe them.
He told Sky News: "I think we have very little confidence in anything the Russian government says.
"We know that they are creating a smokescreen of propaganda to defend an utterly evil invasion of Ukraine."
He added that he takes "what the Russian government says with an enormous pinch of salt".
Simple question to that......... is that a fact, his governments view or his personal opinion?

Because a very large number of people in the UK, will believe that without question ..... people who never see any other point of view with which to compare views.
They are totally unaware that the US/UK were behind the Maidan Revolution of Dignity and the coup that overthrew the elected President ......... an event which started the civil war! They still think Crimea was taken by 'little green men'. Also overlooked every time is that it was Kyiv with the help of the Western Alliance that escalated the civil war into what they have today! On TV today some female correspondent referring to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine claimed it was ..... “ a completely illegal and unprovoked attack “ ......... do people really still believe that to be true?