Subsequent to the murderous annihilation of the indigenous population, they proceeded to destroy their own kind in a bloody 'Civil War'.
The 'Slave Trade' was a flourishing business prior to the formation of the 'United States' of America and it's abolition was probably (in humanitarian terms), the best thing to emerge from the awful conflict.
The American 'culture' then entered it's 'seething cauldron' period, during that time the negro population suffered alarmingly at the hands of the 'Superior' white population, racial hatreds developed on a scale such had never been seen before, indeed, one could say that 'Racism' was spawned in America, (another of it's attributes) which can be duly added to all the other decadent characteristics.
The respectability of the nation began it's slide into the abyss it now generally occupies, BUT, it made one serious mistake, instead of annihilating the negro population, it allowed them to survive, not through kindness mark you, rather through it's inability to drag the 'culture' of that race into the abyss with them.
The result which is perfectly visible, is a division between the black and white 'cultures', whereas the white citizen was offered the easy route to development, the black had to struggle for survival, here's the rub, the black folk remembered their ancestral beginnings and revived the respectability and dignity which was theirs by right, they have maintained that dignity to this day, they will continue to do so because of those attributes and YES, there is a vast difference between the two 'cultures' of that nation, the whites 'pretend' to offer the hand of friendship to the blacks, the blacks 'mean' it when they offer theirs, only a complete fool, (or a politician), would be unable to see it.
The term 'Multi-cultural' fits most of the Western and other nations, if I were a black descendant of slavery, I would certainly be offended to be included in such a stew-pot, I think I would prefer to join hands with the descendants of the Red Indian and quietly maintain the dignity inherent in being such a one.
Now Sir, which of the 'cultures' would YOU consider 'Superior'?.