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Black President of America !.

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Postby humanist » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:31 am

This for Karma's second post but I think a President exchange as you suggested is a great thing. At least a Northern Cyprus and Cyprus exchange.
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Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:05 am

humanist, I think miltiades will take umbrage to your comment since it implies that there are two states here. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:14 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, your constant abuse is the classic symptom of defeat, you do not even have the capacity to admit to it, you have painted yourself into a corner.

A gentleman would not subject his opponent to such rancour, sadly Sir, you fail to reach the standards required for such a title. :( :( :( :( :(

Eliko , my dear young and immature student of life , I do not consider you to be my opponent , have in the past expressed the view that I would never attempt to dissociate my self from views and ideas with which I have never had the slightest association. You do have some rather annoying philosophies and I do not hide my resentment to such ideologies and will always respond in , what I consider , an appropriate manner likely to encourage the recipient to re analyse absurdities such as the benevolence of the Iraqi women vs American women or indeed your laughable supposition on the superiority of the black American , your acceptance as perfectly normal the mutilation of children by their parents the drawing of blood as a cultural religious practice that you , as you said , "who am I to condemn" or indeed your regretful views on the daily carnage taking place in Iraq and your misplaced arrogant views of the American society that you so often referred to in a spiteful manner.
It is indicative of many well educated individuals , educated in the West of course , to nurture animosity towards the very cultures that elevated them to a level unimaginable in their respective cultures , Robert Mugabe comes to mind .

Finally Eliko , let me make one thing crystal clear. I disagree with most if not all that you post , I admire your superb knowledge of the English language , I respect your right to express freely your views regardless of the hollowness of such views , I do not for one moment have a grudge against you neither do I dislike you , on the contrary you do come across like a very nice young man , though your views on "scantily dressed " women leave a little perturbed , I'm 60 and still find the female body very attractive and I see nothing wrong with the sight of human flesh , either on the beech or in other areas. I also dislike the loutish exhibitionist behaviour of the "modern " female , but this is just a minority , most Brits that I know are exceedingly civilized and charmingly attractive.
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