OK now we are talking.
And you appear to be listening!

So you admit now that Russia is just as guilty as Israel. That's a start.
Yes, as far as compliance with UNGA resolutions. I have explained why Russia has some issues with that and asked you for a similar link for Israel’s stance. You have not supplied that because you can’t ...... as they have nothing to support their claims.
The only thing I disagree with is that the USA holds the key to the United Nations. That isn't true. I bet they fund the biggest portion along with the EU and certain other Western Countries, but they don't have the key. Some western countries are even mocking the UN. USA is one of them. France and Australia as well are mocking the UN and there are calls to slash funding. Canada has had enough too. Britain and many EU countries as well. We know full well that the UN and the Security Council is flawed and corrupt too. It's not about enforcing International Law. So yes it would be better for the UN GA to be the higher authority by all means, but that will not suit China or Russia because I think you will find we would win many things with the only exception being Israel.
I don’t agree with you. The US dominates the UN using it’s allies and threats to smaller/weaker countries for their backing. One reason I believe the UNGA votes should be kept confidential. The US is the largest single contributor, I agree but I am afraid the rest of those you list come way down the list for contributors. The rest makes some sense although I think the US would be by far the most put out if such changes were implemented.
The 7 member UN Security Council members hold the key and Russia and China are a part of that.
There are 15 members of The UN Security Council and 5 are permanent members, each with a veto.
It's like the South China Sea Crisis. China is in direct violation of International Law. We know this, you know this, Cyprus knows this and we all friggin know it that China is taking the piss and is basically acting in a manner which violates the rights of virtually every neighboring country (Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia). It is also having an impact on vital trade routes important to Singapore, Australia and NZ.
I have not followed events in the South China Sea, but exactly why the US is so involved I cannot understand unless they really DO think they are the worlds policeman!
And yet China will not allow anything through the Security Council. We will get a UN GA resolution no problems at all, and virtually every single country will support our claim except for China and Turkey (do you see a recurring theme here?). Turkey does not agree with UNCLOS. The flies are always attracted to the shit!
I can’t comment.
So, our ships will traverse the South China Sea and our planes will conduct overflights. We believe it is our right to protect Freedom of navigation through these International Waters and through International Airspace. If China does anything to our aircraft or Ships, they will be committing an act of war, and they have been told as much.
I have not seen any reports that say China is restricting passage to international shipping. Is it not the US that is blockading Nth.Korea, and Israel that is blockading Gaza, and the US and Saudi that is blockading Yemen? Who exactly is the Worlds ‘pirate’ here?
The other issue I do not agree with is that I am certain the USA, France, Britain, Russia and China will not appreciate being the world cop sorting everyone's issues and fighting everyone else's wars for them. So they will not enforce all UN GA resolutions but merely only those that suit them and their interests. Otherwise, they would be involved in about a dozen civil wars in Africa and I don't think they would want to send their soldiers into those conflicts unless there was something to gain such as oil or diamonds. Who is going to pay for all that?
You misunderstood what I was trying to say.(My fault)

I think you will find that there is no perfect system. I am all for UN GA. USA might be all for it too. The West has the least to lose. But the Russians and Chinese will never allow it because they would lose South China Sea, Crimea, South Ossetia, Syria (war crimes) whilst we can only expect to fall offside with regard to Israel.
I agree ..... nothing is perfect but the UN is spectacularly imperfect!

I disagree that Russia/China would lose anything as Sth. Ossetia like Crimea, is a disputed region. The war in Syria has been a legitimate war against foreign inspired, supported and armed terrorists and Russia’s legal intervention was by invitation of the elected government. As for Syrian (Assad) war crimes; once again there is no proof from independent sources, the stories have ALL come from the anti-Assad terrorists and there have been very few if any direct and independent investigations, so these stories have no credibility.
It comes back once again to the rule of Law. If Assad were to be put on trial for war crimes there would be many, many of your allies and partners in various crimes against humanity to war crimes, in front of him........ far too many to list.
Israel alone would need its own Court as their crimes are so numerous and date back to the end of WWII before there even was a State of Israel, to the present day and are added to on a daily basis!