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US launches missile strikes on Syria

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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 22, 2018 6:00 pm

If Assad did that , he must be the dumbest SOB on the face of the Planet!" :roll:[/quote]
No he wouldn't. General might object !!!
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:28 am

miltiades wrote:If Assad did that , he must be the dumbest SOB on the face of the Planet!" :roll:

No he wouldn't. General might object !!![/quote]

No one said his dumb.

he was quite astute actually and testing the waters. The Coalition indicated that it wanted out of Syria and he saw an opportunity to see what would happen thinking that the Coalition will do nothing giving him the green light to completely smash Ghouta and Douma with Chlorine Gas.
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:31 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
You obviously believe that those systems work flawlessly and with absolute precision, simply because that's what you were trained to beleive.
Imagine opening the eyes of pilots to the various weaknesses of the systems they are supposed to trust.
The truth however is far from that. Those TERCOM systems often lose control for various reasons. At some point the pilot has either to correct the fault manually -which from what you said looks rather impossible , or simply disengage the aircraft from TERCOM.

That's the reason I needed the links for.
Your hypothesis that the pilots do nothing other than monitor the integrity of the Aircrafts Engines, Instruments and Sensors, cannot hold on any logical test.

If they disengaged the TERCOM for whatever reason, they are likely to abort their mission because they won't be able to mask their position quite as well, because they wouldn't be able to stay as low. It would be too dangerous.

But a system malfunction is extremely rare.

I've never heard of an F-111 or Tornado have such a problem. they are more likely to have an engine issue or flame out or some other mechanical issue.
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:33 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:We also know that Pootin will never escalate to WW3 or use any Nuclear Weapons.

Russia's defeat would be very decisive too. It would be a one horse race. and deep down we all know that is the case. So let's all be realistic about things please!

Does that mean "yours" will ever escalate to WW3 or use Nuclear Weapons against Russia because according to "yours" Russia would be defeated etc etc?

Let's be realistic indeed. I doubt anyone who holds such paranoid views can ever be.

Yes that equally applies to NATO or USA as well. it is unlikely that they would go down that path unless they were attacked with Nuclear Weapons first. That is an extremely unlikely scenario.

The Nuclear Scenario virtually borders on extreme fantasy. if there is going to be a war, it will be conventional. I know people need drama in their life and what better way than to dream up Armageddon type scenarios of an Apocalypse, but it simply just isn't realistic. The most likely countries to use Nuclear Weapons are countries like India, Pakistan and North Korea. The rest won't touch them with a 10 foot pole.

It would also be quite short, sharp and sweet. it is unlikely Russia can defeat Western Powers in such a confrontation. Russia would be looking for a way out and avoid maximum embarrassment and try to save face. That is the reality.

Russia is NOT the superpower you think it is that can realistically fight the West.

China is far more stronger and a scarier proposition than Pootin is, which is why Pootin is trying to assert some-kind of authority with a false hand of cards and his best poker face at Texas Hold em.
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:05 am

miltiades :

If Assad did that , he must be the dumbest SOB on the face of the Planet!" :roll:

No he wouldn't. General might object !!!

No one said his dumb.

he was quite astute actually and testing the waters. The Coalition indicated that it wanted out of Syria and he saw an opportunity to see what would happen thinking that the Coalition will do nothing giving him the green light to completely smash Ghouta and Douma with Chlorine Gas

You just proved Milti's comment correct. You are dumb!

So from the point of certain victory in Douma, Ghouta and Damascus, Assad uses a chlorine gas attack to snatch possible defeat from victory. Explain exactly how in your mind Assad could, in any way whatsoever, gain from a gas attack, anywhere, knowing it would bring condemnation from the rest of the World and very likely a military retaliatory strike? Only a moron would fail to see that!

It certainly does not take a great deal of intelligence to see that ONLY the US backed terrorists had everything to gain and Assad had everything to lose. :roll:
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:56 am

By ending the siege quickly. he saw an opportunity and took it.

The question you need to ask, is this - why does the Coalition need to make it up when they are hellbent on withdrawing from Syria and are not at all interested in altering the Status Quo?

Assad, thought he would sneak it in and took the opportunity to finish it off in days rather than weeks or months.

There would be a lot to gain if the Coalition did not respond which he was banking on.

I would like to see him do it again and see what happens.

Both of you are being narrow minded. You conveniently overlook and claim there is no reason, like some media also claim, but the fact is there were many reasons why he did it. The Coalition signals of withdrawing also played a huge role in him trying his luck.
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:54 am

Paphitis wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:Syrian Army hands over two intact US cruise missiles that failed to detonate to Russian military – reports

Andrew Illingworth

BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:05 A.M.) – According to the TASS news agency claiming to cite a source in the Syrian Ministry of Defense, the Syrian Army has handed over two intact US cruise missiles to the Russian military.

The cruise missiles in question had been used to attack Syria during a US-led strike operation against Syrian military targets on April 14, however, failed to detonate for unknown reasons.

The captured missiles were reportedly delivered to Russian military forces in Syria on April 17 and have since been transferred to Russia via plane as of April 18. TASS says that the Russian Ministry of Defence has not commented as of this time.

The failure of the missiles to detonate can likely be put down to one of two things; first, general operational failure or, second, failure due to jamming by electronic warfare systems. ... y-reports/

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I wouldn't take any of this nonsense into consideration. In fact, it is very desperate.

Firstly, no photographs were released. therefore, no evidence. There is no proof that the Syrians have these 2 missiles. it is unlike the Syrians or the Russians to not parade any pictures of these missiles. We need to see evidence.

It's of course not impossible that 2 missiles may have completely failed. In the gulf War, there were 6 Tomahawks that had failed out of a total of about 390 missiles that were launched.

But unless there is evidence, then it is propaganda.

like there is no evidence that 71 out of 103 didn't make their targets. If that is the case, the Syrians should have far more than 2 missiles.

There you go Koala. :mrgreen:

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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby miltiades » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:04 pm

Trojan mate.
See General, Im helping you !!!!
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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:09 pm

Paphitis wrote:By ending the siege quickly. he saw an opportunity and took it.

The siege was over .... the SAA and the Russian police were loading them onto buses along with their families. So,... ending the siege was not the reason!

The question you need to ask, is this - why does the Coalition need to make it up when they are hellbent on withdrawing from Syria and are not at all interested in altering the Status Quo?

The coalition does not make it up ..... their proxies do, to make sure the US remains to act as their arms supplier and air force! The coalition is not bothered about the accuracy of their source because a proper investigation would show that neither Assad or the Russians were culpable. That would paint a whole new scenario for what was going on in SYRIA.

Assad, thought he would sneak it in and took the opportunity to finish it off in days rather than weeks or months.

Do you realise just how stupid that comment is? :roll: Illegal chlorine gas dropped from a helicopter vs bombs/rockets legitimately dropped/fired from jets. And you think chlorine gas is quicker! :lol:

There would be a lot to gain if the Coalition did not respond which he was banking on.

He would gain absolutely nothing!!! Assad is obviously a lot smarter than you give him credit for.

I would like to see him do it again and see what happens.

He didn't do it last time, or the time before that, or the time before that ..... the only source that said Assad did it were the terrorists the US backs. In neither of the two previous accusations did the OPCW go to the site to check, they believed the story and the videos created by the White Helmets. When the UN and the OPCW looked into both events much later on, along with other expert witnesses, on both previous occasions the probability that it was a terrorist gas attack carried out by the US backed terrorists, was deemed to be the most likely probability.

Both of you are being narrow minded. You conveniently overlook and claim there is no reason, like some media also claim, but the fact is there were many reasons why he did it. The Coalition signals of withdrawing also played a huge role in him trying his luck.

You aren't narrow minded .... you are friggin blind! :roll: Many sources including senior military figures , diplomats, politicians are now saying just what many have said ....... ' Assad would be the most stupid SOB on the face of the planet, to use weapons like nerve gas and chlorine, when he has virtually won the conflict'. They say that because they have realised the accusations against him and Russia do not hold up when examined against ALL the evidence, rather than just the heavily biased stories the coalition accept without question.

You know, if you have a grain of common sense, that it makes perfect sense to question the original accusations (like those you still pedal ) and assess them against credible evidence rather than just blind accusations from the proxies like the White Helmets, and they do not stand up to scrutiny! :roll:

Have you ever asked why, when an area has been cleared of the terrorists, none of the White Helmets appear to take the peoples gratitude and adulation in front of the cameras but just fade away with the terrorists? :roll:

Several investigative journalists have been into these cleared areas and spoken to ordinary people and most of them have never heard of the White Helmets! Those that have say they are as bad as the terrorists and are regarded as body robbers .... they rob dead bodies of any jewellery. Their HQ is always located in with the terrorists and also with huge stockpiles of food and medicine, which they strip from any aid packages and then sell at exorbitant prices to the population. So they are NOT the humanitarian rescue workers the media would have you believe. Plenty of evidence to support that description.

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Re: US launches missile strikes on Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:09 pm

It's not a trojan when the Coalition are still executing their original plan as per their original claims.

They have not changed their mind and still do not have the desire or will to change the situation.

There is only one red line, DO NOT USE CHEMICAL WEAPONS. If that is crossed, there will be a price to pay and if it continues then the coalition will change its mind.
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