Paphitis wrote:We have evidence.
BTW, that interview was a day or 2 before the strike. The very next day, he said that the US has the evidence that Assad is 100% responsible and a journalist got up and asked him that this has changed since yesterday and his response was Yes it has changed since yesterday.
Today we are 100% certain that Assad is responsible.
And furthermore, the USA made it very clear that it will not wait for any UN to make a deliberation after 2 years which never even names those responsible but instead talks in ineffective language.
The Coalition will strike while the iron is hot, and the United Nations can jam it because they are an irrelevance to anything and a toothless tiger that should have all funding from Coalition countries axed!
We do not care about their hearings or their Security Council deliberations.
You have NO evidence, neither does the UK or France except what they got from the White Helmets and their proxies on the ground. A Court would throw such claims out of Court! As you have so often repeated, legality is something that only applies to others.
BTW: You wanted proof the 71 ,missiles failed to reach the target ....... better learn to dive! They, or most of them, are on the sea bed off the coast of Lebanon and Syria! The Russians used the EWS on their ships in the region to down them before they made landfall. They did the same with the 36 that failed on the previous US attack.
Also the Russian S-400 was used ..... but only the electronic control system which they used to feed targeting information to The Syrian air defence forces.
Apparently, the latest plan was for three waves; the first they got some missiles through; the second they lost almost all of them; the third was cancelled when the US realised it was a pointless action and very expensive exercise as they were losing so many missiles and for no apparent reason.
The French seemed to have had zero effect and at least two of the UK's missiles were bought down in the countryside just outside Homs.
Seems that the Russian technology is living up to its reputation of being very advanced and way ahead of the US.