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What is a Federation?

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Re: What is a Federation?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 06, 2021 3:01 am

...scared to "be" Cypriot; too "Greek", too "Turkish": of course you/"you" don't understand.

...and while "you" may not understand, i am not alone in my thinking; thank goodness for the other half as voters who recognise each other as Cypriots (any way it is counted).

While "Cypriot Turks" are emboldened by their election win, it is folly to think that Turkish Cypriots are few. This summer when the COVID is over it will be hard to stop Cypriots from having "picnics" too.
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Re: What is a Federation?

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 06, 2021 3:21 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...scared to "be" Cypriot; too "Greek", too "Turkish": of course you/"you" don't understand.

...and while "you" may not understand, i am not alone in my thinking; thank goodness for the other half as voters who recognise each other as Cypriots (any way it is counted).

While "Cypriot Turks" are emboldened by their election win, it is folly to think that Turkish Cypriots are few. This summer when the COVID is over it will be hard to stop Cypriots from having "picnics" too.

And then you woke up and went to the loo! :lol:
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Re: What is a Federation?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 06, 2021 3:27 am

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Re: What is a Federation?

Postby DT. » Thu May 06, 2021 8:39 am

Lordo wrote:
DT. wrote:
Lordo wrote:
DT. wrote:1) Security council will veto any attempt for a change in mandate.
2) no GC leader missed a historic chance with Talat or akinci (although we have had some prize idiots in power). The ONLY reason there has been no solution is because (and lordo need you to pay attention here) TURKEY IS NOT A CREDIBLE OR DEPENDABLE COUNTERPART TO A DEAL. Very simply, all that rhetoric, all that vile it spits out every other day against cyprus and taking the rest of it, all their actions, everything and anything they do provides zero comfort to anyone signing a deal with those clowns.
3) we won’t solve this. We’ll make it as hard as possible for you to exist and when you’ve been replaced with Turks we’ll carry on doing it to them.
4) the only change I would make is to remove 160,000 passports from tc’s including Tatar’s who’s so insulted to be called a compatriot by annastasiades. Charge is treason and pledging allegiance to a separatist entity on sovereign land of the nation.

Of course you will e able to remove 160,000 passports from the TCs, and I guess you can sell them at about 3 million a piece right? Naisssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Nice to get a bit of corruption when you can right? Especially when it has been legalised.

Was your firm involved in this little money making scheme or did you miss out?

Shitty politicians. Need to be tried for that crap.

As for the TC’s an oath of allegiance and a public letter denouncing the “trnc” might keep some with papers. The rest should cough them up.

O shit now I have to agree with DT too. Now that is the second time I agreed with the usual opponents in a week. First it was LondonRake and now DT. I don't like it none.

So lets see how you feel about the GC politicians who sat around a table in May 1960 before even taking office and thrashed out the Akritas plan to destroy the RoC and make it into a province of Greece, did you like that? Did you boys gave them the same treatment you are proposing to give to Tatar and his gang? Although if you wish to be nasty to to the old goat I will be first in line to do what is necessary to show him the Cypriots' displeasure at what he is doing.

This is why like about you DT. You call a spade a spade.

But I would like you to explain the law your are thinking of using to deprive 160,000 TCs of their EU citizenship? I like you because you are clever. You went to the English School and I don't know this but I suspect you got your politics degree in a UK University judging by how knowledgeable you are.

But I like you, because you do not hide the fact that you would like to strip 160,000 EU citizens from their citizenship. You see unlike some other swine here, you do not hide your Nazi tendencies just like Erdogan really. He also admires the Nazis and uses their policies against the Kurds. Can you imagine making 160,000 people stateless over night if you could. You are really very much like your hero Tasos Papadoboullos when he was caught on the phone by Makarios and Clerides giving orders to his henchmen to get ready back in 1964. The order was very simple. When we see a single ship from Turkey They are 15 miles out, it will take them 45 minutes to land. I want not a single TC left in Cyprus by the time they land. But Makrios persuaded him to call off his henchmen not because it was wrong to kill all the TCs but that GC reputation would destroyed in the International community.

I see you in his shoes you are as stupid as he was, thinking that if there are no TCs left in Cyprus Turkey would not invade. And your thinking is if there are no TCs left in Cyprus because of Economic strangulation, then the International community would not tolerate Turkish presence in Cyprus. Or that even the same tactics would also drive the gacos from Cyprus.

Papadoboullos was wrong then as you are wrong no. If 160,000 TCs are forced out of TRNC in the future for economic reasons, they will be replaced by 1 million gacos. Who is going to save you from them. Strangely it was Makarios's policy to drive the TCs out of Cyprus through same economic means and gave them 100 Cypriot Liras and made them sign a document that they will never return again. It did not work then and of course it your Nazi friends knew it would not work . So they set up a little coup d'état to do away with the disposal of the TCs through economic means and try a bit of driving then in to the sea.

Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. You boys are insane to the core.

You think cause your previous alias as Yfred or Fred Y****f you were under the impression you had some info on me that I'll feel threatened?

Not at all.

I won't be making 160,000 people anything, especially not stateless. I'm simply proposing that I give the option to those fans of Tatar to decide if they really want 2 states to swear allegiance to the "trnc" and hand in their CY passports.

Should you swear allegiance to the Republic and make it known publicly then we're good. Seriously, how weird is it to swear allegiance to your passport country?
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Re: What is a Federation?

Postby Lordo » Thu May 06, 2021 10:26 am

I have not threatened you. All I asked was if the firm you work for had a hand in the passports scam. As to the fellow you mention, he must have had effect on you as you and a few others for some reason are still affected by him.

It was you who was threating economic ruin on 160,000 TCs so they can all leave and will do the same to the gacos who I think will be 1 million who will replace them. You have not challenged a single thing I said and instead you bring up an x forum member. I hope he is not reading this as he may die of a laughing fit.

The removal of TCs from Cyprus was Makarios's mission using economic starvation and it was also Papadopoullos's too using violence.

What have you got to say to that.

BTW I don't know anything about you other than what you have posted on here. It was my guess that you went to Uni in UK and got a degree. I seem to remember you posted that you had a politics degree. May be I got my wires crossed and I read that about somebody else, and may be not.

As to swearing allegiance to the RoC passport. Of course I will swear at the GRoC passport because it has not been RoC since 21st of December 1963. You are such an ass, did you know that? Without the TC objection you would have been a fucking province of Greece. Instead of thanking the TCs of what they did when they stopped your hero's from dissolving RoC you are attacking them.

BTW my name is Lordo and so was my father before and so was his father before him. You will not find it in any register in Cyprus as we were not allowed to take it up as a surname and had to changed it to something which sounded more Turkish. It makes no difference what the piece of paper says, we are who we are.

Do you know yourself DT?

BTW if you miss this fellow so much get him to come back, I am sure you can contact him if you tried.
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Re: What is a Federation?

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu May 06, 2021 12:52 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:

...indeed, Federalism is new in its thinking; and its biggest attribute is in having two levels of Government: for the Citizen as an Individual, and for the Citizen as a Person.

Having a Republic, having a Turkish Constituency, where are the other Cypriot Constituencies, its equal? i ask where is (at least) a Greek Constituency?

remember this:

''That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status.''

...something to think about.

Didn’t watch the video RW but I do know that every federation is different.. nuances make all the difference. Basically an Annan style federation will resemble what exists today. Restrictions based on religion and race. No refugee return and land belonging to the refugees will be legally confiscated. Plus you will have a minority of 15% dictating to a majority of 80% in the federal government….
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Re: What is a Federation?

Postby Lordo » Thu May 06, 2021 3:03 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:

...indeed, Federalism is new in its thinking; and its biggest attribute is in having two levels of Government: for the Citizen as an Individual, and for the Citizen as a Person.

Having a Republic, having a Turkish Constituency, where are the other Cypriot Constituencies, its equal? i ask where is (at least) a Greek Constituency?

remember this:

''That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status.''

...something to think about.

Didn’t watch the video RW but I do know that every federation is different.. nuances make all the difference. Basically an Annan style federation will resemble what exists today. Restrictions based on religion and race. No refugee return and land belonging to the refugees will be legally confiscated. Plus you will have a minority of 15% dictating to a majority of 80% in the federal government….

Either you are being obtuse or you just do not understand. At the federal level no one side can not impose it's will on the other. The meaning of dictate is that according to you TC can dictate to the GCs. Political equality means one side cannot dictate to the other so only what is beneficial to both sides will get through. Now that is true democracy. Not that I expect you to understand that. In any case the Federal laws will be set up from the beging, what wil lbe affected are the amendments afterwards if needed.

You can add to that that you have the right to withdraw from the arrangement and go your own way if you like. Its your choice.
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Re: What is a Federation?

Postby Maximus » Thu May 06, 2021 6:27 pm

You didnt provide an adequate response Bordo, and sounds like you are setting it up to fail so "you can go your own way" when it inevitably fails...... :roll:

Ocean said, no refugee will return to their land, it along with their property will be confiscated and there will be restrictions on race and religion.

Would this be classed as something that would benefit one side and one side dictating to the other if say, one side wanted to return to their homes and not have any restrictions and the other doesnt want it?

Think about who is dictating to who very carefully...

Because by confiscating and restricting, you are simultaneously dictating to the other and claiming its not beneficial to your side.

Its hypocritical, unworkable and simply, that is NOT democracy. Democracy is political equality, your definition, understanding and expectation of it is not.
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Re: What is a Federation?

Postby Lordo » Thu May 06, 2021 7:24 pm

Boy have you thrown out your dummy again?

I can understand you did not live in the 50s 60s and 70s but surely 2004 is not that far away. The idea that no refugee would be allowed to return is bullshit. The reason is that they went into great detail to describe the meaning of a home and a house. The idea was not to create a lot more refugees some the 4th time.

So the main rule for a home was that you lived in it for 14 years before you left and moved south. If that's the case you had priority of getting your property back. If you left your home before that age, your home was classified as a house which is like property as opposed to a home. So there would be a commission to decide who has priority the resident or the original owner.

So you see fakingdoodle was talking out of his ass as per usual saying no refugee would be allowed to return, which is nothing unusual. It is true that not all refugees would be allowed to return, just the same as no TCs would be forced to return to their homes in the south either. In realty even if all refugees were allowed to return, what percentage of people would actually even be able to return. I am going to leave my lovely house and my well paid job to return to some dusty old village on the bendadahdilos? I don't thinks boy. So grow up some and think about what you are saying.

Let him explain to me how TCs would dictate to GCs at federal Level, which is simply bullshit too. The same plan is being used by our fascists claiming that accepting BBF is in effect being controlled by GCs.

Now you can see the same situation cannot be two different things at the same time. Let me make it even clearer. The baby bottle your mummy gives you the white milk in is white. It cannot be black at the same time.

Now fuck off and go do something useful for mummy rather than interrupt adults discussing serious matters.
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Re: What is a Federation?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 06, 2021 7:34 pm

...the Annan Plan is off the table, Lordo; so said Mr. Annan himself after the referendum. As you say nuance, counts.

Clear, to me at least, is that Turkey needs Constitutional Reform as much as Cyprus. Turkey, no less, would benefit from a BBF. A State where the People are represented as Citizens without further distinction or discrimination, and at another level of Government, Turkish Constituencies, where as Citizens they may represent themselves as Persons.

Cypriots, needless to say, Turkish Cypriots, are at the vanguard in this struggle against "Turkishness", a dogma that excludes all others.
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