cant you answer the questions?
Russian gas pipeline - cut off.
who benefits and who loses out?
Maximus wrote:cant you answer the questions?
Russian gas pipeline - cut off.
who benefits and who loses out?
Paphitis wrote:Maximus wrote:cant you answer the questions?
Russian gas pipeline - cut off.
who benefits and who loses out?
I don't think Ukraine cares. at the moment they are too busy trying to defend their country from Russia so I don't think they are too interested in Russian Gas which has now proven to be an enemy.
Russia for example has invaded 2 countries and they play for keeps.
It is Russia massing its troops on the border and declaring dangerous and threatening military drills.
OK, well prove with evidence that the US or the EU for that matter is not the instigator of what is going on in the Ukraine or the sh*t they take from the other excursions around the world is not their fault.
.I am certain that Ukrainians will want to tell Russia to stick their pipeline up their bum
Russian interference is not welcome amongst Ukrainians.
They took to the street when Viktor Yanukovych rejected the EU for Russia almost leading to civil war!
Is that right! They (Ukraine) are lapdogs now for wanting to be a part of the EU
Robin Hood wrote:Maximus:OK, well prove with evidence that the US or the EU for that matter is not the instigator of what is going on in the Ukraine or the sh*t they take from the other excursions around the world is not their fault.
You cannot prove they are NOT involved! What you can do is present credible evidence that shows they ARE at least involved to a degree of probability. The more evidence that points the finger, the stronger the positive case for the argument. Irrefutable proof positive is the smoking gun that proves the argument! As yet, in Ukraine there is a case for a high degree of probability of US involvement but unless Nulands blunders are taken as proof positive, then high degree of probability is the best you can do.
But if you are one of the 90+% any argument that is contrary to the US/EU/NATO stance is totally unknown to you. Therefore as one that does not tread the path ordained by the US and its cronies, you will always be a minority, because even if you come up with the truth nobody will listen. I know, I have been down that path but it is satisfying on occasions when you are proved right at a later date to be able to say .......... “What did I tell you?”
Robin Hood wrote:The one country that could stop the violence in Ukraine is the USA. One word from Obama to Kiev to stop the violence and withdraw the Ukraine army to barracks or else, and the regime in Kiev would have no alternative but to comply. It worked with Yanukovich ..... It should work with Yatsenuk and Poroshenko? But the US is unwilling to do this and instead demand that Russia tells the ‘Pro-Russian’ Ukraines to lay down their arms and surrender to a Neo-Nazi/Fascist government. This assumes of course that Russia actually has the influence over the separatists in Eastern Ukraine.
Because a very obvious solution to the crisis is presented continually by Putin and ignored by the US the obvious question is raised .... why?
A couple of articles that made some sense to me that you may find interesting viewpoints:
It is obvious that no matter the source of information there is always a degree of bias.
RT is quite clearly a limb of the Russian Government and gives the Russian views of events. On the BBC this evening they are still pushing the ‘Russian tanks in Ukraine’ story but in spite of claims that the US has ‘proof’ it has not presented evidence to back the story. How many times did Kerry claim the US had clear evidence that Assad had used chemical weapons on Ghouta in Syria .............. to date this ‘clear evidence’ has not materialised? It is again the same story with Iran and their so called Nuclear weapons program ......... plenty of accusations from the US and Israel but never any hard facts and, even when evidence comes to light that indicates the opposite of the US line, it is rejected by the US and is never published in the MSM.
But, in my quite recent switch to RT as a source of information, I found that their stories inevitably are supported by hard evidence and therefore have more credibility. This was true over Nuland’s explanation of her views on the government for Ukraine before the coup took place and with the Estonian Foreign Minister’s suggestion that the sniper shootings on the Berkut were a false flag operation. In both cases the evidence presented with the story on RT was unequivocal. The same can be said for other events up to and including the claims about the rocket attack on the regional administration building in Donetsk and the attacks in Odessa, Slavyansk and Mariupol. Very little of this news made it to the MSM.
In the western media they omit parts of the story which are ‘inconvenient’. A commentator on a blog (that I cannot find now) said there are four aspects of the western media that stand out:
• They re-cycle almost verbatim whatever the Kiev regime or US spokesman says.
• They often claim to have evidence but somehow never get round to presenting it.
• They never make a serious attempt to evaluate the information provided by these sources and assess the probability or feasibility of the report.
• You never see the MSM engaging with those in Eastern Ukraine that the Kiev government and the US refer to as ‘terrorists’ or with the Russians.
I find RT a far more credible source for information than any of the MSM channels ...... including the BBC.
IMO: the US is the cause of the problems in Ukraine and are making things worse but they could be the solution if they were just to admit they got it wrong and told Kiev to call off their death squads.
Paphitis:Russia for example has invaded 2 countries and they play for keeps.
Wow! In fact you are wrong it is three since WWII. They invaded Georgia (2008), Afghanistan (1979) and Hungary (1956)
Americas record of invasion over the same period makes Russia look like a hand maiden of Mother Teresa:![]() is Russia massing its troops on the border and declaring dangerous and threatening military drills.
Russia has every right to put its defence forces where it perceived the threat to be. But, they remain within their own territorial borders. Another case of US double standards.
Maximus:OK, well prove with evidence that the US or the EU for that matter is not the instigator of what is going on in the Ukraine or the sh*t they take from the other excursions around the world is not their fault.
You cannot prove they are NOT involved! What you can do is present credible evidence that shows they ARE at least involved to a degree of probability. The more evidence that points the finger, the stronger the positive case for the argument. Irrefutable proof positive is the smoking gun that proves the argument! As yet, in Ukraine there is a case for a high degree of probability of US involvement but unless Nulands blunders are taken as proof positive, then high degree of probability is the best you can do.
But if you are one of the 90+% any argument that is contrary to the US/EU/NATO stance is totally unknown to you. Therefore as one that does not tread the path ordained by the US and its cronies, you will always be a minority, because even if you come up with the truth nobody will listen. I know, I have been down that path but it is satisfying on occasions when you are proved right at a later date to be able to say .......... “What did I tell you?”
You are doing what the MSM and Government's do! You are making wild statements but without anything to support it. For instance:.I am certain that Ukrainians will want to tell Russia to stick their pipeline up their bum
Well, my local supermarket has LPG (not LNG) in canisters but they would want to be paid up front and Kiev's record says it is not a good customer if you want to make a profit. Or are you suggesting that the US is going to provide them with all the gas they need .... for free?Russian interference is not welcome amongst Ukrainians.
What interference? Plenty of accusations coming out of Kiev and repeated by Washington but as yet very little proof.
IMO: it would be stupid to believe that Russia was not helping the Ethnic Russians in the Eastern provinces with light weapons and ammunition but, the evidence on the ‘tanks’ so far is that Kiev and the US cannot actually agree on which model of tank it is T-34 or a T-70. which is significant. Kiev says it has destroyed at least one ..... but don’t have any pictures to prove it!!!! Another bit of evidence provided by Kiev is that the tanks and other vehicles mentioned had no markings ..... therefore they are Russian.They took to the street when Viktor Yanukovych rejected the EU for Russia almost leading to civil war!
You are not thinking it out! That is the western explanation but in fact Yanukovitch was aware of the implications and consequences of getting the IMF and the World Bank to lend Ukraine money ..... with strings ..... it is called Debt Slavery!
Russia actually offered them a better deal and with no strings. Once the Kiev goons signed on the dotted line (and received their ‘bonus’) salaries and pensions were cut by up to 50% and a whole bunch of prices escalated. Another Greece/Cyprus in the making. The Russian deal would have left Ukraine with subsidised gas and no austerity as their package was offered in Russian Roubles.
The US keeps imagining threats to the supply of gas to the EU but, once again it is all hot air as Russia has made no threats. You are a businessman? If your best customer told you that he had been warned to not rely upon you for the provision of your product and that he would be looking elsewhere for it, what would you do? I suggest, just what he Russians have done ..... find another customer and the other guy would lose any preferential treatment when it suited you, not when it suited him.
The EU, no doubt under instructions from the US as it came shortly after a visit to Bulgaria by McCain, have stopped work on the southern Black Sea pipeline which would have supplied gas to the EU bypassing the Ukraine. Another miscalculation? But of course none of this will affect the US directly and will have little effect on Russia either, only the EU will suffer.
Is that right! They (Ukraine) are lapdogs now for wanting to be a part of the EU
They are not going to be ‘part of the EU’ any time in the foreseeable future and will have to apply like every other country and that could take years ........ of austerity and hardship ..... and for what?
Maximus wrote:What does Russia get?
Yes absolutely! The Russian Militias must surrender not the Ukrainian Security Forces and Military. The Ukrainian Military has a right to be there, the Militias are illegal and Russia meddling and assistance to them is also illegal.
Whether the Ukrainian Government is Fascist or NAZI or not is irrelevant.
They were elected by their Parliament after Yanukovych abandoned his post and went into self exile to Russia.
They (Russia) have annexed Crimea!
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